Horseshit Meter

Why We Finally Feel Betrayed by Facebook”

From the day I signed up with Facebook in 2008 until now, I’ve followed a single rule: “Never put anything on Facebook that you wouldn’t tell a random stranger in an elevator conversation.”

And it’s been pretty good so far.

You know how the one Trump hater in a conservative family always takes a ton of shit? Maybe starts getting actually rejected?

Now if only he can admit his own mistakes and publicly apologize for, I don’t know, beating his girlfriend and making her feel like she might get murdered. But who cares about women, these tweets about racism being bad totally forgive his incredibly harmful and toxic past discretion’s, I guess

Did you vote for Obama/Bush/Clinton/Trump? There you go, you have.

Everyone who feels betrayed shouldn’t be mad at Facebook, they should be mad at themselves. While they’re at it, they should be mad at themselves for how much power they’ve given various agencies like the CIA.

Where is your mind dude?? No issue that Facebook know’s which hand you jerk off with and when you shit and that they are in bed with communist and leftists regimes (Obama, China, Iran, Russia) and willingly do their bidding and will sell any data to anyone willing to pay. Your only issue is that CA or Steve Bannon or

Bull. We all know that the crowd at the inauguration was the tramendously, bigliest! #bestwords

This is just a bunch of words that don’t actually mean anything. It’s all you people can come up with. Please give me one tangible scenario in which it is bad for me to tell the entire world where I went to college.

I mean, that’s been happening forever. You can either have no social media at all (if I don’t put my college on Facebook, guess what, it’s on LinkedIn or the university’s website!) or you can just accept that everyone knows anything you put online. I personally don’t see the problem with people knowing where I went to

You still haven’t shown me what I should be concerned about with this. Are you saying it’s bad that I get targeted ads? Like somehow I’m missing out on other, better ads? Does anyone look at ads on Facebook? I think people need to lighten up.

I consider myself fortunate to have grown up watching football at a time when the top network broadcast teams were Summerall/Madden and Enberg/Olsen. Godspeed, Dick Enberg, and thank you.

A couple of years ago my son and I were killing time while my wife was getting her hair done. We were walking towards a Starbucks to get the boy a chocolate milk when I spotted Dick freaking Enberg walking at us towards the door of the Starbucks as well. I slowed down so that Dick and his assistant would reach the

Many more established commenters have already replied more eloquently than I ever could. I’ll just say I’ll always remember a lazy Sunday afternoon with Dick Enberg calling a 6 yard catch for a first down by Todd Christensen was more exciting than anything else that happened that day. Thank you for that, dear sir.

Now playing

The man could make any game sound good.

nope. not really.

The NFL doesn’t want the unseemliness of a paralyzed player.

Lauren, send some Deadspin staffers to do some investigative journalism. Pull the fire alarm and see if he makes it out on foot.

When are we going to talk about how the Seahawks routinely break rules designed to preserve player health, whether practicing with pads when they’re not supposed to or this? Like, I get that there are other villains across the league you’d rather demonize, but this is becoming a real trend. This team treats their

Kinda like how the Seahawks should’ve ran the ball at the 1?