It was one of the most powerful positions in the court because you got to talk to the king alone!
It was one of the most powerful positions in the court because you got to talk to the king alone!
What if A-rod was getting a blumpkin tho?
Howling at someone getting mad at the incredibly good “Pool boys” shtick
lol that Ryan guy is actually trying to scold her for wanting to be off of a shitty show that stopped writing her character several seasons ago
Didn’t need the and after that lol. It’s hard to kill credibility when nobody is watching the tv shows anymore
I desperately wish I’d kept watching until the school shooting episode so I could’ve talked about it online
I’m rooting for Spurs purely because them winning it will set off two of the most irrational fanbases in English football.
The Cubs ownership would dearly like you to be a white nationalist but please can you make sure to do your white nationalism in a way that will not be publicly linked to them.
Almost exactly one year after her terminal illness comedy came out and flopped lol.
My rule of squeamishness is blunt objects fun anything that can pierce or cut unfun.
This is why americans should copy either the Grand National and make their biggest horse race a series of jumps outright designed to kill horses or Palio where the aim is more to kill the jockeys.
Alright own up, who got hold of a monkey’s paw?
Love that I got exactly two lines into this and immediately realised it was Ratto writing, he has such a distinct voice.
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Netflix’s original selling point as a tv service was that they were bringing back shows cancelled too soon, since then they’ve turned into an even more viscous killer of shows than traditional tv
Haskins isn’t the only argument lol Minshew is gonna go undrafted and he’s a better qb than jones lol
I mean the real problem with VAR yesterday was that they didn’t show the ref the angle where the ball clearly hit llorente’s arm on the way in
He got walked with the bases loaded lol
Been waiting on these ever since the article on Liberty went up