
My pal said Terrible Twos last from age 1.5—3.5 years. Those two in the middle are the killers.

Yes. Threenager-dom is real and it’s by turns hilarious and soul-sucking, sometimes within a 5-minute time span. The twos were a breeze compared to this stage. Last night for example, my daughter refused to eat her dinner (California roll) because she insisted it was “too hot”, despite the fact I encouraged her to

Everyone talked about the “terrible twos” in child development. Two was fine; my then 3 year old almost drove me insane. Giving free will to a 3 year old is a terrible mstake

Watching Republicans gleefully dismantle any protections we have for the environment/workers/consumers/women and trying to put a big “Whites Only” sign on our country makes me incapable of being friends with them either. That bullshit excuse of “I just believe in fiscal responsibility and small government” hasn’t

I’m not saying I could never be friends with a Republican,

that is literally the future Betsy Devos is fighting for

He’s actually out of the sunken place when he’s being himself which is very expressive

Thank you PV! I’m so fed up with all this let’s-feel-sorry-for-Melania crap.... enough already. Bitch made her goddamn bed; let her rot in it. No one forced her to marry that evil orange turd. She wanted the life of a privileged trophy wife - now she’s got it. Fuck her if she’s unhappy. There are people suffering in

In the back there, Bill is like “hAi Guys, I’m here too.”

Melania chose this. My sympathy is near nill, Boy Gorge was exactly what was written on the tin, and I’m sure language was no barrier in understanding what that meant. So while she might be a decent person I’m sure that her reasons for marrying the turd had nothing to do with decency.

And Carl Kassel!

Ask and you shall receive :)

I feel like telling you would be like saying Beetlejuice 3 times and I dare not risk it.

ooooh a Marc Jacobs mention.

Co-sign. The cold in the Chicago area has gotten to me a lot this year. I’m sick of wearing my winter coat.

I remember that show! I really liked it. For some reason I found Doug’s arrogance kind of charming? I don’t know why.

As a Cubs fan - even the Cubs aren’t safe anymore... (I’m using my burner until I’m back at work tomorrow). Some of threads my brother in law gets into are insane with Cubs fighting.

I do!

Plus irl families that are split by the election and current politics are not having deeper conversations or resolutions to their differences yet. Well, other than not talking about it. Some families haven’t talked since the election, some have but are having the same arguments using Twitter based catchphrases, and