
Gotcha. I never know who is AFT and who is NEA. Some states seem to have little pockets of AFT.

Hey! I work in education. I’m curious, are you guys in the Union? NEA? Or AFT? I’m in Illinois so I’m with IEA (which is under NEA). I’m so sorry this is happening 

Gadzooks forever. Platform Mary Janes and Platform brown suede sneakers were purchased there (along with novelty stickers from the glass case up front)

That POS already pulled up all the roses 

HE needs to go. Be it COVID or literally kicked off into the sun. He is truly a piece of shit that doesn’t even deserve hell.

Any word yet on that POS Mitch McConnell? I got a bottle of tequila to celebrate with when he goes down


The tape of children crying out and The American SS I mean border/ICE officials should be played full blast anytime a GOP official is in the room. Any time a trump official or supporter is present. Any time a “pro lifer Christian” who voted for this shit show only because of their views on abortion shows up to a PP.

Meal time with my three year old is like a goddamn hostage negotiation movie.

Marlon Brando

My relationship with my father has always been..strained but his FIRM support of trump, this administration and republicans has made it worse. There is no “safe” subject any more when they visit. It’s like walking in a minefield.

And a super ridiculous example: My good friend got my 3 year old son “Dream Big Dreams”

I demand Papa Summers hosting with Aunt Robin and badass Harvey

Can confirm on the small talk. My Father and I have this understanding that the only “safe” subjects are : weather, The Cubs (despite the fact I haven’t been following them lately), what old sitcoms are now airing on Netflix and any interesting tid-bits about the zoo we live near (ie did you hear about that new baby

Does anyone remember “Moving Up”? Doug was the host.

What a fucking prick

The world didn’t deserve that man but I’m sure glad we had him. Thank you Mr. Rogers for being my friend when nobody else would.

NAH NAH NAH NAHAA NAAAHH Nope. Leave it alone

My FB news started a flood of “Walk Up not Out” bullshit and it boiled my blood. Should kids be kind to each other? Yes. But it totally diminished and belittled what these students did yesterday.

Ahh two insufferable assholes break up. I don’t think Noah’s Ark could contain Jack’s ego.

Season 9 is up and full of VAMPIRE CULT episodes