
Damn right

What the fuck are those assholes gonna do with all that money if our country is nuked to pieces? Or are they building a Noah’s Ark type bomb shelter somewhere?

A “Jitterbug” phone


At being totally embarrassing? Yes. VICTORY

Also, This:

Do you think he confuses the “blue” as land?

It’ll be a dark day when it doesn’t. I use to have a Bob Dylan number too

I have that saved as a contact in my phone

Rock of Love first season winner, Jess went to HS with me. She was in our class but left our junior year. She now bartends at douchebag bars in Chicago

All I know, the older I get the more I fucking love his music. Just about everything he’s put out, I listen and genuinely like. On Spotify is three new songs. “Do You Still Love Me” is on heavy rotation in this house.

To me, it looks like she was into some shit in the late 70s and 80s. Nothing too hard but she has seen some shit. In the 90s she got clean. Started getting in to self help books..some bullshit spiritual retreat in arizona and eating a lot of rice cakes. Her slightly older banker boyfriend left her and then she decided

I was jealous he got to go too! But it gave me a long weekend of the house to myself and all my “stories”.

My husband is an art teacher. 3 years ago his students took part in the White House Student film festival. They actually were selected. 7 kids, chaperones and my husband flew to D.C. They got to meet the president (one girl was crying), Bill Nye and Neil degrasse Tyson and have their film shown among many others. So


THIS. Both my husband and I went to religious schools (K-8th) and then High School. Our education lacking, our parents spent a shit load in tuition. You’d think in a “Christian” environment kids would be kinder? Hell no. BULLIES WERE NOT DEALT WITH. We had zero POC in our school. Wait, we did, I remember one

Thanks. According to some random on this site, I’m a white suburban liberal and don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about. That I should hop back in my Subaru.

Republicans will no doubt prove what spineless shells of humans they are and vote DeVos in. Party over Country. Money over Children.

And got paid a hell of a lot less too..well, at least me