Horseman the Egg

Meh… that was disappointing… I'll get over it though. :)

Ballistic vests work on successive transmission of force through all the layers, the more shots, the less protection. After a few shots you are down and out. Knives and one-time blasts are where you are best protected. Bruising, haemorrhaging, "knocked wind", shock, concussion or death (depending on a range of

Malvo: Who (sent you)?
Malvo: Who (sent you)?
Mr Numbers: God!
Mr Numbers: Dammit, Fargo!
Mr Numbers: It was Fargo.

The Rabbi called Malvo a Se'irim meaning Demon or hairy being. Cute to make it explicit :)

I was saying Boo-urns.

While you're down there……

Big ship run aground in the background of that scene too. Heehee ;)

I say old boy!!

Agent Noperipheral Vision Maymagnet

I assume it's some kind of Kevlar type dealie, It has huge seams, patches and stitchwork and seems to be a very course material (possibly grey rather than black). The cape, chestplate and cowl also look like black leather. Looks about right to me. You can zoom in on this pic:

Miller Lite??

LANA!!! LANA!!! LANNNAAAA!!! *tinnitus buzz* *chuckle*

OMG!!! CAN'T WAIT!!! WHAT WILL @avclub-a0c1c8c6aaa047092b541ff1279117ed:disqus HAVE TO SAY!!???

"I'm a lieutenant now and i still get dog walking duty? Kill a few guys, turn dirty cop and repentance arc never ends!!!" *shakes fist, shrugs wistfully, uses bag to pick up Bear's turd*

I think Greer was the 5th number, which led to: Greer's in trouble: He has Finch: Finch is in trouble: Find Greer.

The texts Peter Collier got tonight? The fact the do seem to be extraordinarily well funded and well informed? The sneaking suspicion that the show trial might be to serve a purpose other than their stated aim? Actually not the BIG question but there are a few WEE questions.

We know very little of the Vigilance day-to-day activities. This might have been their sole focus for months (well that and the only other times we've seen them) while Finch et al were busy with a number or two a day. Which brings up the point that if the machine was spitting out a number or 2 a day then "the

Just looked despite warnings. Quite a few of the Shaw and Root haters seem to be women. Kinda surprising they don't like strong female protagonists… Sad.