
I agree that it is very frustrating to defend an important cause like this, but I would argue it is not a distraction. If you are serious about participating in activism that leads to a change you can’t afford to spend time on tactics that are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of a particular injustice. Case

Important to note that while there’s not much evidence that women go into lower paying fields they do voluntarily take lower paying positions (specifically, those jobs that provide more temporal flexibility and thus less earnings growth) within their professional field of work. .

‘white people’ is a dangerous idea. It makes it very easy to treat individuals like they are uniform members of group. Black history teaches us this, among other things.

I would think that it is not BLACK history month as one of the tweets suggested, It’s BLACK HISTORY month. Black history mostly includes white people doing horrible things to them, but occasionally there is a white person (like Lincoln) would wasn’t completely consumed by racist thinking. This is a detail of history

I’ve been wanting to comment for a long time on a Jezebel article. I love the work and have a unique point of view into gender roles and relationships as I have studied primate biology and social practices. My suspicion is relationships will not be absolutely fulfilling for the man or woman unless the woman is