
Did you read the last line of his comment? If each side tries to explain themselves and gets met by the kind of un-cooperative/accusatory comment you made then there is no hope of resolution.

‘and gunmen who select victims somewhat indiscriminately. The violence in these cases is not a means to an end such as robbery or terrorism.’

I don’t think the Tulsa example satisfies the definition of a mass shooting at all: the Black Wall St. victims were not selected ‘somewhat indiscriminately’ - they were targeted

I haven’t seen a story yet about Kaepernick that has stated the plain truth - that a QB who will alienate the team’s fans is not good for business. A less consequential player can be ignored but not the QB. He isn’t a bad player, just not good enough to justify the risk to the team’s standing among the fans. Lets

The loss of revenue is a social concern - some of these kids could be on some form of welfare without the money they make. I would think having your livelihood in jeopardy becomes a bit more concerning than whether some people will start using slurs.

Why should a director - or any other artist- have to defend their artistic vision? It’s art, not a historical essay that needs to accurately portray every piece of context that was relevant to understand the time period. Every piece of art omits things to emphasize what the artist is truly interested in. Let her be

Go back and watch the video TS won for - it tells a story, has a beginning middle and end, and evokes some emotion (except when you bring your bias and resent to the viewing). Single Ladies is cool but it’s a dance sequence that is only memorable because of the song- and we’re not talking the crazy emotional,

I am dubious about the ability of a mere name to ‘buck the patriarchy’. Once people are out in the world their actions are what matter. What people call them is just a bit of trivia.

Comedians do things to get laughs (often cheap ones). If you start appreciating every white person as first and foremost a WHITE person, with certain responsibilities for social change regardless of their profession, skills, temperment etc., then I think you begin to see a very distorted view of them/their work.

I appreciate the attempt to bring some facts to the discussion about AA but it seems like your commentary is blinded by your hang ups and anger.

Yes, you could repeat this phrase to some guy who started talking to you to get him to stop, or you could just explain that you aren’t interested in their opinion and ignore them (they are humans, after all).

There is an interesting way of speaking and writing that is called hyperbole. Many of us use it in everyday speech (sometimes overuse it) and lawyers use it every time they open their mouths because their livelihood is connected to driving stories into our minds. I know that is pretty simple but this article was

When you are medical professional ‘passivity’ in the case of attending an injured human is much more complex than this. If you behave this way as a doctor or emergency responder then you can be liable for their death and at least fired. Thankfully most of these professionals are so well trained that they are incapable

Bras are underwear, no? Having your underwear showing is cool in a casual setting but I would say not so much at work/school, which I think of as more formal. Add wearing more (and expensive!) underwear to the list of things we have put up with that guys don’t. We are mentally stronger and more mature than men for a

I just realized how effective a nonsensical phrase that is vaguely refers to race can be as an article title.

Letting people provoke us will lead to us away from strategic, long-term thinking:

I get that anger tends to make use very good at generalizing but thinking about a homogeneous group of ‘white people’ won’t help anything in the long term. It’d be a mistake to let this Maher guy and others like him dictate how you think about millions of people.

Well they have a good point. Superficiality is a principle and not applying it to similar cases makes us hypocrites.

Kids are people - they notice when something/someone is not attractive, however they don’t have the experience to know that physical beauty is superficial. Lets not pretend a fat snow white is necessarily as beautiful as a lean snow white. If I were to gain a bunch of weight (presumably as fat) I would be less mobile

Do you think if you suddenly became rich you would just forget the struggles you went through that shaped your identity? He grew up blue collar so that is part of who he is.

Not everything is politics. And maybe that’s something I’d want to help bridge, because I don’t feel represented by either side.