Most schools already provide all of these things?
Most schools already provide all of these things?
The article isn’t very clear on this, but there is a School-Based Health Center that resides on the Century campus. It only works in affiliation with the school. There are qualified doctors and nurses who work there. Math teachers certainly aren’t going to be injecting anyone (hopefully) ;)
Do you actually know anything about the School-Based Health Center? It employs actual doctors and nurses there, staff that are fully capable of working with both parents and students. Nowhere does it say that “mentally immature” kids are running around making their own medical decisions. They only wanted to provide a…
I was just browsing this site as I often do a few times a month, and I had to do a double take when I saw this story. This is actually my my high school, and I am best friends with one of the students campaigning for contraceptives. Apparently, the biggest argument against was, as it often is, money. They usually send…