Horseasaurus Rex got a new lappy tappy

objecting to prosecutions of legit whistleblowers under the Espionage Act is 100% valid, but I do not think that is what is happening with Assange.

while it’s a fair criticism to call out other places where enforcement is lacking, that doesn’t mean that the law shouldn’t be enforced in this case.  This was flagrant and organized bribery.  That is against the law.  The perpetrators should be prosecuted.  

Interesting thing about the insult “nimrod”: it didn’t used to be an insult. It became one when Bugs Bunny used it to describe Elmer Fudd, he was using it ironically. Nimrod was a skilled hunter, he was saying it to Elmer in the way you call a dumb person “Einstein.” But the children watching Bugs didn’t know who the

babe, there is a HUGE gulf between a dude who had an affair and a man who would make inappropriate advances toward an actual family member...

I haven’t bought mayo since college.  My recipe is similar but I use white wine vinegar and safflower oil.  And, like most things that come out of my kitchen, I also use MSG (Accent ftw).

I just paid a $500 medical bill for my 1st trimester genetic screening that I wish I had interrogated more closely. My insurance covers 90% of routine labwork, so unless a routing ultrasound + bloodwork costs $5000 without coverage, they overcharged me.

This headline is a little unclear? Am I the only person who read it as the Queen telling Meghan that she can’t wear certain pieces of Meghan’s own jewelry?  I was thinking she had a rule against costume jewelry or something.

See, there’s your mistake.  She’s decided that YOU can’t figure out that 3am is, indeed, the PERFECT breakfast time.

OMG i have SO MANY names for my kits. Penny can alternately be called Mrs Pensington, Pennifer, Pennifore, Pensington von Bearingham, Penny Bear, etc. Milly is Millington von Bearingham (obv), baby bird, Milly-bear, Millicent, Maleficent (her legal name), Milly-willy-billy-bear, etc.  There are more I’m sure.

My dearly departed cow cat was named Catty!  He was SO dog-like in many ways, he loved playing fetch with rubber bands.  My current cow cat comes when called or at least looks at you at provides an affirmative “prrrt!” when she hears her name.