
Dear Tom,

Yeah. Screwing with 19 year old students schedules just to keep them on their toes is a dick move. This guy sounds like an ass who wants people to fail

Here’s how he supports his student-athletes:

Wait until you study the Holy Roman Empire!

No shit. Manhattan College is in the fucking Bronx.

Found the Trump University Graduate!

5th Gear: The Truth Is Also Bipartisan

Exactly. The “stick to sports” idiots are looking for a place where they don’t have to face the reality of what they’ve done.

Alternative reality? Ronald Reagan was president in 1986.

Not this shit again...

There are four Trumps!

“Tell me America... how many lights do you see?”

Careful, the same assuredness that he will not be re-elected is one of the many things that helped him get elected in the first place.

It gets better when you add in Kellyanne Conway’s justification of Spicer’s press conference: “We were offering ‘alternative facts.’”

I called those “observable, quantifiable, demonstrable falsehoods” in my Rhet/Comp 101/102 courses, and made students replace such specious claims in their essays.

I failed them if they

Maybe I’m getting too old for meme trends, but this really is not funny.

He sounds great. When is his confirmation hearing?

It has nothing to do with fun and everything to do with money.

+1 glass of water when you have a sec.

I totally understand where the Thunder are coming from on this one. The longer they keep me waiting, the less money I give waiters.