
I love that she and Ryan Adams are married, but it makes me wonder how she puts up with him because he can be so volatile .


I hope that someone is reminding you to take multiple breaths.

My friend is a reporter for the Chicago Sun Times and he is reporting on the protest at the moment, here is his Twitter if any are interested https://twitter.com/BrianSlodysko

I had such a crush on Rufio <3

I feel like this is taking FOREVER. Shouldn't they be going somewhere by now?

that nose tho, WHAT is going on with the nose? It's creepy AF.

Really? I don't think the photos are flattering... at all. She looks sloppy.

OH GOD. I have never had any sort of interest in butt stuff, and my boyfriend doesn't either. It's one of the reasons I love him.

I was at dinner with my bf recently when I left the table to go pee, and the people before me were taking FOREVER. I decided to text my dude something like "holy hell what is taking these people so long" and he was like, "are you only txting me so I don't think you're pooping" and i said "lol yeh".

I've lived with my BF for three years and I still don't poop around him. I just CAN'T. I only recently was able to pee outside while on a camping trip, and that's because the alternative was one of those camping toilets you hear stories about pervs hiding in so they are shat/pissed on. And that was NOT going to

My cat like to go into the litter box just to chill sometimes. And I have to be like BEYONCÉ GET OUT OF THERE THAT'S GROSS. Thankfully it's almost always clean when she does it

...and boyfriends. ZING .

MY CAT DOES TOO (poops on the floor, not play fetch ). Her name is Beyoncé. So I get funny looks sometimes when I anguish over Beyoncé pooping on the floor.

My bf is a Sun-Times reporter and we went to Dave McKinney's wedding this past summer. God, that resignation letter was heart breaking to read. He's such an amazing reporter and truly a great human being. It's so far and few in between to have a reporter go to the lengths he did to remain ethical in regards to his new

So, I read the comments and there are a surprising number of what appear to be regulars on this message board calling out the ones making said comments. Small victory?

I tell you what — you cut booze and drugs out of your routine and it makes a HUGE difference. I stopped drinking a year and a half ago and lost 15 pounds without really trying, and my skin (which I never had a problem with ) looks so much better.

dayum, he's looking good. I know he has money and all, but sober living is working for him and that's great for so many reasons.

I never noticed before but Patrick Wilson looks a lot like a young Paul Newman. Like, they could be related in this pic.

Knowing that Fergie used to do meth all I see is remnants of meth-face when I look at her. I mean, she is a lovely lady, but I can't helps it.