
I walked into my coworkers office to sit in on a conference call once and he CLEARLY had done a Google image search for butts (clothed butts, thankfully? I guess?), because that's all that was on his screen. And then the screen froze. I had to sit there while he was CTRL-ALT-DELETE-ing like crazy, and I acted like I

damn, 50 dollars on drinks between two people in four hours? That's cheap! I'm jealous.

A friend of mine reported being sexually harassed, and she was fired — from a labor union.

I once worked in a smaller office where sexual harassment was a regular thing, in that the CEO would regularly talk about women he thought were "hot". It was really weird, because the majority of the office was made of women. It didn't help that the other women in the office would gossip about the attractiveness/lack

Writers' wages aren't always as horrible as people seem to think they are. My BF is a newspaper reporter and he makes WAY more than what people assume he's making. I mean, just saying.

Somehow, I doubt the threat of litigation frightens them much.

I was looking at the engagement photos of a girl I went to high school with — there was one where he was holding her in her arms and her thong was hanging out. WHY they didn't airbrush it, who knows, but there was a black and white copy of the same photo and it made me lol. I dunno about vulva though. Maybe that's

No. Blue Ivy was in Beyoncé's HBO documentary and has been shown in other photos and videos.

Ugggh - R Kelly, why do you have to be such a horrible piece of shit all the damn time? I like your music. I have to be eternally conflicted about that.

There was a story a while back about how Speidi (Speidy? Spidey? i dunno lol) are actually hard up for cash and are living like normies. Well, normies that live in a gated community and go to the farmers market to buy pies all the damn time, but still.

ME TOO. Ughh. Farewell, Old Man Crush of Yore.

I moved from DC to Chicago where I met my boyfriend, who is from Seattle. An embarrassing number of people have mistaken us as being from the same place.

OK I am one of the few that can't stand anything Justin Timberlake does, but that tush is niiiice. I don't hate your butt, Justin .

Is there anything more cringe-worthy than being held captive in situations like this? It's like bad community theatre.

No, I know that, but my point is that people still made an ordeal about the fact that she was not 18. The fact that she wasn't American wasn't part of the larger conversation based on outrage.

"17-year-old person who, in less, than a year, will be free to buy as much hard core pornography and bulk abortions as she wants"


Ahhhh! my dad had a super impressive beard and mustache for my entire life until I was around 20 years old. I remember I was home for a weekend and one morning he came into the kitchen with the beard shaved off — and it's been that way ever since. He just did it because he was bored of it.

I don't have a pic of my dad to share — but I really couldn't have asked for a better dad growing up. We rarely see eye to eye on anything — if ever — but I have a tremendous amount of respect for how hard he's worked to always provide for my family, his involvement in the local community, for being an amazing boss to