Q: How many racist jerks will have to lose their jobs and businesses before they learn not to go full racist in public?
Q: How many racist jerks will have to lose their jobs and businesses before they learn not to go full racist in public?
Musk needs to stop spending on new models and factories and semis and solar until he can get profitable. Loans and stock sales should be to finance the new stuff not cover negative cash flow or payables. Burning cash is fine when you are growing 50% a year. Not so when that stops.
Tesla was enabled because of their high flying stock price. That tends to keep everyone happy, investors included.
This is why we must tax the super wealthy at 95%. A crazy uncle passing this stuff and lost in a world of made up conspiracies is weird and barely tolerable. A super rich ahole like Ricketts has money enough to secretly fund a criminal sociopath.
Fred Smith who started FedEx couldn’t make payroll so he went to Vegas. The rest is history. That said, it’s pretty easy to get a good estimate of cash flow from Tesla’s financials so the analysts knew what they were doing. I’m not sure what the feds have to say about Musk making false statements in his official…
Trumpublicans scream "states rights" but only for red states and especially not California.
No that’s the Siesta. It looks dead but it’s just napping.
If you’re serious then you will put your money on it. Take everything you have and short their stock. Then let’s see how long you’ll last.
I know 3 Tesla owners. Say what you want, but they love their cars more than I’ve ever seen anyone like anything. And it’s more than just the car, they feel they are part of something bigger.
Why design it to go only 200 to 300 miles? They could easily configure it to carry a battery for 600 to 1000 miles, whether they want.
Sapnos deserves to be publicly humiliated for the rest of his life. What did he think he’d get from SD fans?
I hope Apple is not using its maps for its autonomous car. I tried to show my mother how navigate on her iPhone... What a piece of garbage.