These days there are other ways to delivery a story - podcast or audiobook comes to mind. They can even make it with the cast reading their parts.
These days there are other ways to delivery a story - podcast or audiobook comes to mind. They can even make it with the cast reading their parts.
It’s well known that Aspen trees grow as a system with interconnected roots. Maybe tree systems aren't that unusual among other species
Heart disease is genetic, diet, smoking, exercise...not really supplement territory though they said supplements don’t prevent heart disease and listed several that help. Saying that vitamins are worthless because they don’t prevent heart attacks it cancer means nothing because that’s not why they’re used. The effect…
Q: How many racist jerks will have to lose their jobs and businesses before they learn not to go full racist in public?
Can we land a person on the moon with it?
Yet still maybe half the time they didn't attempt to return it. I would think an employee would try most of the time
I live in Medellin Colombia. Wonderful people who will do anything to help you however...
It’s sucks to be one and done, especially when Google has all the money in the world to will something to success. Then again, Google knows that tablets are dead.
The Google Home Hub is the same price and is the best alarm clock I've ever had. No need to slap it just tell it to stop or snooze. Plus you get video if you want.
Musk needs to stop spending on new models and factories and semis and solar until he can get profitable. Loans and stock sales should be to finance the new stuff not cover negative cash flow or payables. Burning cash is fine when you are growing 50% a year. Not so when that stops.
Tesla was enabled because of their high flying stock price. That tends to keep everyone happy, investors included.
The parents should be charged with child abuse and the kid should be taken from his stupid parents. Then the parents should be charged with a tax on stupid people equal to the hospital bill. If this is what it takes to get every kid vaccinated, so be it.
This is why we must tax the super wealthy at 95%. A crazy uncle passing this stuff and lost in a world of made up conspiracies is weird and barely tolerable. A super rich ahole like Ricketts has money enough to secretly fund a criminal sociopath.
Love my P20 too. Nobody has found any instances of Huawei bugging their phones or telecon equipment. Trump is using Huawei as leverage in the trade negotiations, that aren't even happening.
I’m a happy owner of the 2018/19 6th gen X1. I’ve had aluminum laptops but they show every little smudge, dent, scratch... And Lenovo makes a silver/metal version alresdy. The carbon fiber/ plastic case is indestructible and always looks good, no upkeep needed. But I understand that probably half the buyers don't like…
They problem as usual is Musk's habit of over promising. Musk said that they just ran out of time. What time other than his self-imposed impossible deadline. Had he taken more time and smoothed out the road bed and warned everyone that the plan had changed to single cars, everyone would be raving not complaining
I imagine Disney instigated the cancellation but Netflix stayed classy and didn't take shots at them. I figured the shows were just too dark for Disney to want them. In the end they just don't want Marvel anywhere else even if it means killing of popular shows like these.
I grew up watching those movies and that's what I thought it would be like. These landings turn me into that 10 year old boy again. And yes, I did cry watching the double booster landing.
It sounds pathetic but if companies were fined $100 for each person's data stolen, they would either be out our of business or give enough of a poop to spend some money in security instead of halfassing it.
Fred Smith who started FedEx couldn’t make payroll so he went to Vegas. The rest is history. That said, it’s pretty easy to get a good estimate of cash flow from Tesla’s financials so the analysts knew what they were doing. I’m not sure what the feds have to say about Musk making false statements in his official…