Horatio Velveteen

I’m sure you are familiar with dogwhistling and how subtle word choices can make significant changes in meaning. (See: people vs. you people.)

Trump has to know that his death will not be memorialized or grieved like other Presidents and that has to eat at him.

God, he is so revolting.

There’s no way they’d show it because they’re too damn classy, but what gave me the warm glowing feels is the thought that, barring some catastrophic untimely tragedy, the Obamas will out live that walking scrotum sack and watch him get deep sixed. I would give anything in order to listen in on Michelle Obama’s

(Puts on Evangelical Birther Trumpster hat) “Well, that’s because Obama has to do things to make it look like he’s a Christian, but trump is already a Christian so doesn’t need to prove anything. And trump didn’t recite the words because he was too busy thinking about how to Make America Great Again.”

Love how Michelle and Barack are holding hands. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen that either.

I’m fascinated to know whether he looks at a picture like this and says to himself, “Damn, I am a handsome man. My hair looks FANTASTIC. Even more, my pose and the way I purse my lips is the very definition of strength and power. So Presidential.”

Any guy who gets his physicians to openly lie about his weight,  chides women about theirs and won’t walk more than 100 feet is a free and open target for fat comments. 

He didn’t shout “Lock her up” once during the eulogy. He’s Very Presidential.

Someone tweeted the photo of the service dog laying by 41's casket, with the Mission Accomplished title, and asked “did the dog assassinate him? Because that’s what this makes it sound like.

Imagine being so petty you’re jealous of a dead guy who spent the last 10 years of his life battling a debilitating nerve disorder.

I was talking to my boss yesterday about Bush’s passing and the ceremony attached to it and I mentioned that when Trump sloughs off this mortal coil, it’ll be a national holiday, but for a completely different reason.  I think, on that great day, a great debt will be owed to KFC.

I heard that it’s a common position for those with testicular pain. I have made no effort to find out if that’s true, because I like to think that his balls perpetually hurt. 

My biggest disappointment about Trump’s funeral is that he’ll be too dead to know how sparsely attended it was compared to his predecessors.

She was never, ever, ever, ever, EVER by any metric or any definition ever punk. Ever. Nevr. Nope. Nope. Nope. She was a bratty little kid from the fucking sticks with major eyeliner and serious penchant for posing. She was and remains a Poser. Not Punk. Don’t besmirch Punk.

My son’s in first grade and there is a classmate whose mom carries him everywhere. She’s petite and he’s not a peanut; his feet dangle past her knees. She carries him from the bus, she carries him to the bus, he sits on top of her on the bus. I thought maybe he had some kind of mobility challenge but them I saw him at

Yo, where did I say that I hated ALL men? If you wanna be that fragile and put words in my mouth, I can’t dissuade you, but all I was saying is that a woman that unstable probably wouldn’t have even made it into the position in the first place, or would have been ousted after the first instagram rant. Or do you

That asshole has survived two bouts of cancer and multiple addictions. Talk about not taking a hint. 

Ryan O'Neal is a piece of shit.

In turn, Ryan blamed her for speaking out. When Vanity Fair asked about her allegations in 2009, he told the magazine: “She wrote a book—bitch! How dare she throw our laundry in the street for money!”