Lol! Everyone in this country has economic anxiety right now. But only one demographic gets to use it as an excuse for openly bigoted, reactionary behavior.
Lol! Everyone in this country has economic anxiety right now. But only one demographic gets to use it as an excuse for openly bigoted, reactionary behavior.
basically white women aren’t responsible for their own actions and to say they are is sexists, or letting white men off the hook.
Great interview. I just wish ‘Venom’ was remotely deserving of Williams and her talent (spoiler alert: it’s not).
She was probably my favorite on the show but honestly, it’s hard to choose because that cast is so stellar! Literally everyone in the cast is awesome and amazing and this is such a great show. At least we still have Cheddar.
Seriosulyoneof the most gifable shows ever.
Yes. That’s pretty much exactly what I wrote, except that I’m disappointed that she refuses to say anything about it. Which, y’know...I’m allowed to be.
Obviously. But I don’t make any of my comments on accident, and I knew the defensive responses I’d get, and I thought it was important to put them on display to illustrate how big the problem of white women’s complicity and deflection really is. They can’t help themselves.
But you are deflecting. Your whole comment was a deflection. I knew full well the defensive responses I’d get to my post because when they’re the same ones we always get when we (women of color) demand any accountability from white women. You just happened to be the first, so I chose to lift you out of the grays to…
Of the many deplorable aspects of this behavior, one that hasn’t been mentioned yet is that the President of the United States is abusing his position to publicly mock a private citizen. Unmentioned because it’s unremarkable — such abuse is established routine now?
Back in college, I partied frequently at a certain frat house and frequently got wasted. I do remember scurrying off to the downstairs “fun room” (it was a room off a tunnel that went from the house to the garage) with a guy I was hot for at the time. I also remember when his “brothers” unexpectedly joined us and held…
If I was thunderously applauding you right now and no one was around to hear assured it’s happening.
That she’s trailer trash/white trash/lowest kind of American (so, a Trump supporter) and that she’s only doing this for some kind of personal gain. He needs to be raped with Neegan’s Lucille.
I say this and i mean this with every fiber of my being: fuck these traitorous cunts. Fuck each and every one of them.
Hey Jeff, you don’t have to WISH he wouldn’t do these things. As always, you have the tools to hold him politically responsible. Deny him his desired political outcome. Don’t vote to confirm Kavanaugh. Explain that you can’t in good consience given Kavanaugh’s partisan rage, your colleagues complete erasure of Ford,…
Trump is being a cruel bully? I’m shocked. His fans love this. They think it makes him honest and candid. Internalized misogyny is a hell of a drug.
I saw the following on Facebook a day or two after the election:
That moment when you see a photo of a group of people and wish everyone in it would simultaneously suffer a massive aneurysm. I hate these people.
Anyone who says there’s any way to come back from this is a grade-A maroon. This horror/shit-show will be an integral part of America’s fabric until the country is no more (not much longer now!). We are not united and we do not stand. I don’t want these people in my country.
When you put him in front of a crowd at those rallies, he loses what little self-control he has. He’s an addict, he needs the applauding and cheering, and once it starts, the tiny little filter in his rotten brain just goes away.
Fuck everyone in the audience too.