Lindsey horaned

I really, truly don’t understand the appeal of attending an NFL game unless you’re in a comped suite and you got free parking. I went to a Texans game last year where I was literally stuck next to a sweaty fat guy the whole time (or maybe a mirror). And the guy behind me kept yelling, “We need a first down!” as if it

this was the Studio 54 principle at play

That is a man who does not realize the gravity of the situation he’s facing. Or he does but since he’s rich the district attorney will go easy on him, maybe it’ll lead to a leading role!

So your 3 series goes up in price by $7k, middle america won’t care, neither will the big 3.

Come on now, folks. What did you expect a bunch of avowed Christians to do, clothe and feed them?

I think the government, currently, is more a kleptocracy than an oligarchy. But as I believe Plato said: Why not both?

“Yet it risks raising car prices...”

Fixed, easy peasy.

We’ve come a long way, baby:

Maybe a special on Harvey Weinstein would be a good thing. Can’t have enough mainstream television featuring serial sex-offenders who used their fame and influence to pressure folks into rape. Sorry... why does radio still play this man’s music?

“If it’s a person, and you can’t own a person

right. remember though ,
- *these fuckheads idolize the 1700's*

That’s a good point.

Children are definitely property in his worldview. It match conservative theology to a T.

Doesn’t the idea that the fetus is ‘property’ negate the argument for life beginning at conception? If it’s a person, and you can’t own a person, you can’t it’s not anyone’s property?

Who would Jesus turn away?

In my experience Evangelicals are consistently the least Christian people I interact with.

Who know Easy Reader would turn into Easy Feeler (up).

Steals your soul 24 times per second!

Tom Hanks is next. Sorry America.