
Yep. Trump supporters and the Tea Party in general would rather watch the entire world burn instead of compromise. There is a Vice documentary on HBO where John Boehner and a few other Republicans described all the crazy Tea Party lunatics driving the Republican party into the ground and the only thing they could do

Let me put in terms you can understand.

Because of the backlash the Republicans would face from his voters.

Christ. The golden shower is relatively tame compared to the seriousness of the allegations in the report.

-R. Kellyanne

And now you try to make it personal. Ain’t no hate like Hillary hate.

You totally don’t get it. But there you go, reinforcing what he said about what he has to put up with from people that don’t even know him.

I have exactly one friend that is what I would call rich i.e. well into the 1%. I had that discussion with him this morning. He voted for not-Hillary (Johnson) for two reasons: 1. He’s sick of the current political landscape and the foreign policy of the US that doesn’t change no matter who is in the White House

Voted on? Yes. You are correct. But to say they have no intention of replacing with anything—no solutions, is to be all at once, obtuse, silly and disingenuous.

As teacher, an influential shaper of young minds, why would you forecast such bleak things..

I hear there are a lot of consultants with very nice houses.

Let’s not forget: Fuck Hillary Clinton for being such a terrible candidate and odious personality with the worst political instincts since Walter Mondale, making Trump a viable choice for millions of people.

I believe so much in “America” that I cry foul when you don’t stand for our national anthem, yet I will threaten to overthrow the government if the election doesn’t go my way.

It’s a tell. I noticed he does this when he is really on the hot seat, when he senses that the bullshit isn’t working, like a knuckleballer with no wind to make the ball dance. I say let’s get him off the mound before he does any serious damage.

Hey Ashley if you folks aren’t going to be liveblogging the debate then this seems like a good splice:

My dad is giddy, he is utterly fucking convinced that this is going to be the scandal that finally slays this abomination of a candidacy once and for all. He thinks all the Republican leadership are going to jump ship now, and that Paul Ryan will be forced to or risk losing the House.

It’s the antenna for a shock buzzer implanted by Putin.

Sounds like he really hit a wall.

So Lochte basically told the Cartman version of the story

My sources tell me Goodell heard about the horrible conditions a while ago but waited until he had video proof before making such a drastic move.