
The woefully short-lived Comedy Central show, Coprorate, did a great episode about this. (Unfortunately I can’t embed the clip)

Hate to break it to you, but capitalism doesn’t fear anti-capitalist messages, it monetizes them. Anti-capitalism is a brand.

Parasite did win an Oscar last year, but having read several reviews about it, I think it might have been too subtle for some people.

Weird how an introspective album released during the pandemic with more than a few swipes at the legitimacy of late stage capitalism and the rich isn’t a critical darling among the types who make these decisions

Without doing any research on this at all I’m going to guess Weird Al alone has dominated this category since 1983.

The incidents I’m thinking of are (I think) both blackface related; I happen to think that the grievance is pretty legit against 30 Rock, and that the grievance against Community is an overcorrection (problematic-ness of the Drow notwithstanding.) But that’s neither here nor there; it should be easy enough to find a

Wow, that was the most polite “This person suuuuucks” I’ve ever read in my life.

Gerri rules and J. Smith-Cameron is also terrific in Rectify (which is merely one of the many reasons you should watch that show if you haven’t already)

Seeing as how Roy is basically the British Dr. Cox from Scrubs, I think the closest thing we’ll ever get to an “Oy!” is Dr. Cox’s angry whistle.

I unapologetically love the character of Roy, every single thing Goldstein does as him works, there’s never a false moment even if the scripts are throwing ever more windy unnecessarily soap operatic moments at him and Keely.

It’s not just $80 million to $100 million.” Imagine being so detached from the value of money that you would utter the word “just” before saying $80 million.

For me it’s the fact that they let the obvious perp just go on his merry way.  It’s fucking infuriating! We all knew from the beginning what they were going to find out about the cause of death, that it wasn’t an accident.  

They really rode out the dying days of Soundtrack albums; after Shrek they had at least one track on pretty much every mainstream G or PG rated film through to about 2005 (when they passed the baton on to Ben Folds), before that they’d been on half the teen-targeted PG-13 soundtracks since 1998. Shrek was at least the

The real walking dead were the friends we made along the way.

The show’s also had what, fifty or sixty regular and a hundred recurring characters at this point? And typically dedicates 2-6 episodes person season to largely siloed off vignettes or character pieces? An anthology series might’ve made sense for exploring wilder ideas if they had a tight main cast that needed to have

They had a few hits beyond All Star. Though the only one people seem to remember now (besides All Star) is Walkin on the Sun.

How can people not be bored of this zombie apocalypse yet? The show had one really good season and a handful of decent ones, but it’s been years since it’s been any good. Certainly not Three Spin-offs good. 

Their first album is actually very well done and does some legitimately smart things with it’s lyrics. The whole Shrek soundtrack thing kind of derailed them and they never really made anything as good after that.

Eh, he’s only bringing it up because he’s defending a holiday dedicated to a piece of shit of a human being who never ever landed on the ground we now call the United States.

Uh... Is Savage Love on vacation? Was there a note somewhere?