
No! No photos of Obama on the floor holding a baby. I have to go into an office today and don’t want to break down in tears at this ridiculous meeting I’ve been called into. Although to be fair in this company everyone loathes Trump (except the owners, of course, who pinch every penny until it cries) and when I went

No. Go away with these photos. I’m even sadder now.

The photo of Obama holding a little one directly over his face - that seems ill-advised. I’m glad nothing came of it but it gives me the shivers. Especially with little ones they can be all giggly and stuff and then - projectile burp.

NO. Betsy DeVos DOES NOT get to be Ms. Frizzle!!!!

God, “trace amounts of narcotics” is such bullshit. They recently got one of the actors from Stranger Things coming into the country on that as well. Hell doesn’t 90% of US dollars cities supposedly have “trace amounts” of cocaine on them? Remember folks nothing is worse than microscopic amounts of narcotics.

If pajamas of myself were available, it would only be right and just to wear them.

no collusion he says

I legit thought she was Courtney Love

Oh, he really does look like he misses you! He’s so adorable!

Right? Weird as shit. I can’t believe nobody else is asking.

I would absolutely watch a two hour Avengers party movie. You should shoot it in real time, make it a DVD extra.

The problem is that the JFK conspiracy overlaps some actual conspiracies, like partnering with the mafia to kill Castro, and who knows what else.

The timeline and politics of the time points to the Cuban-American mafia in Florida. JFK got murdered right after he tried to get a meeting with Castro at a time where very powerful Cuban burocrats wanted Castro’s head on a platter. There’s something rather dangerous that drives USA and Cuba politics, something that

That’s one of my favorite scenes not just because of Diana but because of the reaction from the soldiers. There was no, “Oh, no, a woman on the field! How could she be taking all those bullets!?” on their part. And there was no, “This may be “No Man’s Land” but I am NO MAN!” on Diana part. It was a straight up battle

I didn’t like how everything Diana learns about humanity, she learns from men. I wanted more meaningful interactions with Etta Candy and Dr. Poison.

We have a 6 month old. This image inspires me during the late night feedings/changing.

“Diana, you can’t go up there — it’s no man’s land!”

Scene was just missing one line.

All the stars you get all the stars. I got teary eyed at the end, first superhero movie to actually make me do that.

Patty Jenkins be walking into the Warner Bros boardroom like