
It is the way of our people.

You Brits are fucking unstoppable. The hearts of every good person on earth are with you right now and always. Cheers.

Raise a glass to freeeedom

When I was growing up, it was the IRA. My first job we were told how to deal with a bomb threat or suspicious packages in the mall where I worked. There will always be people who think it achieves something to kill a bunch of people, other than make everyone who is left really pissed at them.

Meanwhile, America’s alt-right are looking into every connection of Seth Rich to try and pin his murder on the DNC/Clinton (while all evidence still points to a botched robbery) even though every person who has claimed to have “evidence” of this has completely backtracked their stories.

Chills. That guy is a master of spin and obfuscation. The sheer brazenness of his words and behaviour is breathtaking.

Where else am I supposed to keep my skittles?!

“Ignore him like all of the other world leaders ignore him.”

He turns 30 this year, Kendall is 20-ish I think and I Googled the other guy who is apparent 18-19. I guess it’s not like anyone is still in high school but the difference between 19 and 30 is staggering. Maybe I’m being ageist but even at 25 it would have made me feel weird to be hanging around teenagers.

In my humble opinion....Alec ain’t wrong.

Frank Ocean has extremely questionable taste in friends. Whatevs, just as long as he keeps giving us music.

1) Trio of dudes tries to break into the pop music landscape unsuccessfully.

It’s good to see at least one rich asshole isn’t just Putin on airs.

Up Next: The Nazi Avengers will kick a box full of puppies into a burning orphanage.

Whats taking so long to impeach 45? Seriously.

I’ve seen this romcom before. KD and Rihanna’s fight make them realize that the only thing worse than how they feel about each other is how they feel WITHOUT each other. They eventually fall in love and end up getting married. Jeff Van Gundy, still obsessed with Rihanna, tries to interrupt the ceremony but ends up

Those of us who have had miscarriages don’t need some piece of paper to validate what happened. We know with every fiber of our being what happened. Getting some worthless certificate was the last thing on my mind after miscarriage.

Absolutely. Centuries have gone by with no need for this and suddenly our benevolent state apparatus decides to become “compassionate”? Please.

I thought I’ve seen “dirty buildings” before, but my god. That Flickr photo of Carnegie Library is horrifying.