
I started to stop feeling sympathy when their kid got involved.... the fact he was able to even have an erection with his kid cuddled up next to him makes me sick. That said, she is a victim, he clearly has a hold on her despite all the horrible things he has done.... I hope she leaves his ass.

To be honest I’m not sure it’s possible or even necessary.

Who needs a career surgeon?

And then there’s Uncle Webby:

More and more, I’m thinking the next President needs to be a career diplomat who can restart our relationship with the rest of the world, particularly our NATO allies.


Am I THE only person reading this who would not excuse my partner for jeopardizing and disrespecting my work, in addition to exposing my “sleeping” child to the public?! I absolutely DO think it’s fair to judge Huma’s character, based on her (reported) response/follow through in these circumstances.

My dearest Huma,

Maybe, but maybe not.

Huma. Honey. He’s not good for you. He’s not good for your son. You haven’t failed, I promise. You are doing what is best for your family. Don’t let him back in.

As we know more about her, her brand looks more and more tacky. Tweeting about champagne popsicles on Memorial Day? Tacky. Photo of herself in a ballgown with her baby-faced huckster of a husband’s hand on her ass? Tacky. Daddy is tacky, Stepmommy is tacky, her ghost-written book is tacky. Setting herself up with an

As much as I adore Millie Bobby Brown, I think they picked the perfect actress in Dafne Keen. That girl was just downright amazing. Frankly, I think her performance was damned near Oscar-worthy. She holds her own with the big boys both in her dialogue scenes and her action scenes. Bonus: she actually looks like a

Now they just need to figure out how to get Dafne into the main continuity.

uh, it wasn’t “kids sent to catholic school”, it was “kids abducted from their families and culture, abused physically, mentally and sexually, & forced to abandon their heritage”. slight difference.

One thing I feel like is missing from these comments and the article. Is that the sculpture was pushed as “part playground.” Can you imagine installing a replica of a Nazi crematorium in the same way and not consulting any Jewish groups?

Burger King is terrible.

Paul Ryan would hear that smart people had read it, then spend the next 25 years claiming that he read it, he required his staff to read it, and he lived by it as a freedom-affirming guide for America without ever opening the book or understanding its message. You know, like he does with that other sacred,

Bullshit. The Veritas had no pictures, and it had “math” in it. Trump would brag that he read the Veritas, then tweet that it had terrible sales numbers.

“Poor Douglas the scientist”

Poor Douglas nothing! He was worse than the idiots in Prometheus! Taking his helmet off because he felt ill was one thing, but upon seeing something KILL HIS SAMPLES, he doesn’t immediately put it on again, but instead opens the container and SCOOPS SOME OUT.

He deserved to die. I’m sorry,