
Some asshole on Twitter yesterday told me to “Read a science book. Lol.” when I asked him for reputable sources to back up his claim that climate change isn’t man-made, because the whole solar system is heating up. I asked the interwebs and saw a bunch of bullshit sites spreading this false information, but replied to

Let’s make the GOP regret nominating and electing Donald for a long time to come. The political system is far to the right of what most Americans want; it’s time for a course correction.

One can only hope that these electrical officials can find a safe space.

Tangentially related, I’m still waiting on my check from all the ‘paid protesting’ I’ve been doing. Who the hell do we file our complaints with? Is our Paid Protester HR Department equally fake?

The only “fake news” is the notion that Trump is a competent manager or businessman. Politico ran an article today that basically calls him out for being a charlatan who pretends to be a great manager, but who is incapable of actually managing an apparatus like the federal government. http://www.politico.com/magazine

But the door is still open for her to return to Spin City, right?

Agreed! But I could have happily watched a show just about Mariah and Cottonmouth.

When I saw that Devos had contributed $90,000 to Rubio, I knew it was a lost cause, but he’s truly, godawfully worthless. He’s the welfare case that everyone that rails against welfare cases should actually worry about: a congressional taker.

Florida is a lost cause for Democrats, for sure. But I think the selection of Democrats in Florida is wanting. They try to ride that moderate line with uninspiring candidates. Stephanie Murphy, I hope, has a future in state politics.

I’m still annoyed that the DNC backed off the race for his seat. Patrick Murphy was long shot of course but I wish there would have been more heat.

He’s going to put “the best” people on it (who will remain nameless...for national security reasons, of course) and they should have their conclusion that everything was perfect, that he won the Electoral College by a bigger margin than any President in history and that Trump was officially declared The Smartest Man

It amazes me to no end that Floridian reelected a man who does not hide the fact he never comes to work. C’mon guys!

As a Florida residing person, I need to remind everyone that Marco Rubio is a smarmy little weasel who doesn’t show up for work, casually disregards his ethics, and should never had aspired to the presidency. While people were begging him to vote No on Devos, he was live-blogging the Superbowl. FUCK HIM

Translation of Marco Rubio’s statement:

Now playing

So it will have the 2nd best camping scene in sci-fi behind this:

That’s the thing. Despite the fact that I don’t have ideological issues with Perez, it just proves that despite the fact that Ellison had more support by people in the party, money won. I’m fucking over begging the DNC to listen to the party base- young people, women, and non whites. Instead they go establishment

No, for month you mean this....

This week in U.S. politics...

*whistles innocently and tries on the entire collection while wearing socks because Jesus have you seen those dressing room floors!?*