
I actually was able to completely stop taking my pain medication (Vicodin) because of marijuana. I feel 100% better ALL THE TIME and there’s no addiction. Fuck you, Trump.

at a booth he called the “Bone Zone,”

Where’d they find him? My congressional representative has gone missing too, I wonder if all the Republicans are hiding in the same place.

as another commenter said, there’s a difference between reimbursing someone after the fact for their child care or just giving a subsidy up front to pay for it

This is why I have no problem with - and in fact encourage - private businesses and service providers calling out Ivanka and the rest of the Trumps. If they walk into your establishment, give them a piece of your mind and tell them to fuck off. Let everyone know where he/she shops, works out, eats, drinks, and gets a

Goddamn the mental gymnastics needed to say that the trans bathroom isssue should be left to the states but somehow MARIJUANA needs to be federally-regulated! The hypocrisy is maddening.

Bone, whose brow was lined with large beads of sweat, greeted us with a smile, commented on our “pretty names,”

I signed as Jeb Bush.

I’d like to point out that this is 45's second attempt to poll on this subject, since the first time, (and I quote) “mainstream media outlets have viciously attacked it... and thousands of democrats have taken it to try to sabotage the results” according to the email he sent out to his mailing list.

Really?! Because I’ve been to Wisconsin and there a approximately a million of you I’d have a beer with before Scott walkers stiff ass.

I think if you get Hillary three martinis deep she would probably be a hoot. You know that lady has some stories.

Ivanka Trump, champion of women, met with members of the House and Senate to push a $500 million child care tax benefit program.

It all depends on if Ryan can hang onto the Speaker position and assassinate Pence before he can name a VP.

I’m ok with Martin Sheen, but draw the line at Bill Pullman.

Can’t have him. He’s OUR underqualified drunk. Hands off!

Jesus Christ, we are in a fucked up situation.

And this is my problem with all the calls for impeachment. Getting rid of Trump is awesome in theory, but in reality, it wouldn’t leave us any better off. While it would significantly reduce the likelihood of nuclear holocaust, we’ll have to start shelving “The Handmaid’s Tale” in the nonfiction section.

Legalize it - then this problem wouldn’t exist.

Not necessarily germane to this article, but any excuse to post a picture of this smirking blobfish asshole in his absurd porn-theater ensemble.

The Marvel movies have certainly done a good job at making superhero costumes look like practical clothing, rather than body condoms. (The big exception being Cap’s too-bright uniform in the first Avengers, though remember, Coulson had a hand in designing that one.)