
He still looks like an old man in a bathrobe

I have decided that Hope Hicks quit because she was afraid that one day she would wake up and look like Sanders and Conway. Hard, ravaged by the spin, with a permanently unattractive sneer.

Can someone please get Tiffany better undergarments

Disney searches everyone.

She also has extremely low intelligence and learning disabilities.

You forgot this part: Law-enforcement sources told TMZ that they found “no evidence of a laceration,” or “cut to [Feldman’s] abdomen” at the hospital.  

I want a Damien Dhark sitcom.

As a Floridian, I fully the support the otters in their anti-development movement #GetOtterMyWay

Does anyone doubt that the NEW is involved in this?

Damn, my eyes are leaking

How does anyone see that photo and not think, Kill it with fire.

It is time for a bunch of these old white men to pass on.

Yes, Yes, Yes. These three were hilarious and had fabulous comedic timing. I would definitely watch.

It might be more correct to note that her “crazy ghost house” kept an entire town employed for 36 years — starting in the depression. She kept 16 man crews working 24 hours per day — AND paid almost double the standard rate of pay

The gif was the best part of that article.

I would be willing to sign a petition to the Queen.

Is his hair growing from his eyebrows?

The cake was already taken by Isabella Rossilini when she dressed as a duck to explain the mating rituals and penis facts. Definitely worth checking out. It will stay with you

I gave my list of names to my teenage sister and her friends. I picked the one that they didn’t ridicule. She still teases me about Sawyer Graham crackers.

But SHE looks great (which was probably the real criteria).