
Get him, girl. Hope it’s a jury trial, but whichever way it goes, sessions loses.

Can I get this without the wedding? Just my very own Tower O Cheese. Mmmmmm

That gif is excellent.

Yep. The Kents have no land. If I remember correctly, you are born a prince and either become king or Duke. Earls are the next step down.

She was the daughter of a baron and has no title of her own. So she uses his.

OMG the Swedish royal family is life goals. Too frickin cute.

Apparently there have been issues and Carrie’s daughter wants her to stop taking the dog to events and promoting him

Please remember who you are taking about. Lil Marco is not going to find a spine at this late date. As a resident of the Stoopid state, we know Marco is all show.

“Let him trundle along in his qentle gingerness. “. Perfection.

“delicious negrosity bubbling through.” That was beautiful 

I love that movie

But what about the two different lace patterns over the keyhole bodice. The side is pretty, the front is hideous.

You get all the stars.

I agree with you 100%, but to be honest, if Chris Hemsworth wanted to walk around naked in front of me, that is some harassment I AM down for.

Aaaaaahhhhh, that did not occur to me. Now i am stuck with the imagery. Well, hell, the more you know....

I will argue they didn’t want the ratings for Carter. No violence, no nudity, no bad language and totally family appropriate, yet a 9 pm air time.?

Yes! This girl’s face says it all

The Chinese American actress plays the dead girl. The native actors play live people and there seems to be awards buzz for Tokala Black Elk.

Asshat. If we are no longer sacred, we are obviously profane. Kelly needs to sit back down and go on with his facepalming.