
The coroner’s opinion was that the garrote was the cause of death and that the blow to the head was done after.

I want Pirate Joe Biden!!!!!

This is Chris Evans’ cutie — PUPPIES

My singing voice or my speaking voice?

They should have focused on her record here in Florida (The Crazy State) where, for the last 17 years, Charlie Christ has run for everything. He’s been a Senator, Governor, just ran for Governor against Voldemort (and lost), Education Commissioner, Attorney General -

Can you say “fracking.”

Can I get an Amen M’Wanda?

Its okay. Oregon already has a sea pen in place. They are hoping for the Miami Seaquarium orca as she is related to the pod that lives off the coast. However, they have already started raising money for long term orca rehabilitation

Dunkin Donuts sells “munchkins”

Perhaps she hasn’t quite gotten rid of the wealthy white man privilege mentality.

While I am not against vaccines, I do object to doctor’s willingness to jump on the next big pharma drug. The standard vaccines have gone through rigorous testings and reviews before being approved by the FDA. HOWEVER, I do believe that the FDA now fast tracks a lot of drugs without proper research and I am wary of

I thought the same thing about the weatherman - he was a bit befuddled, but I liked his point, why not just woman. Once you present yourself as your identified gender, why can’t that be end of it. How long is the “transition” period supposed to last?

I have that blanket tooo!!

Can we implement segregation of stupid people? Cuz that makes it sound nice. I would like all the stupid people moved into one area, maybe Texas.

I have these types of collarbones (extremely prominent regardless of weight) and I had an anthropologist tell me that it was because my ancestors went hungry for a long period of time. Therefore, no weight gain in that area, ever. Hmmm

Starred for your Ricky Gervais gif - he cracks me up

I would only point out that as a small child, her parents adopted four black brothers for her. No child wants to be singled out and perhaps she began to identify as black in order to “fit in” with her own family.

I’m Smokey Rosewood, don’t ya know.

actually I think it is his daughter with Lisa Bonet

What if you are on a well, but your neighbors are assholes who love their round-up and crap? When the health department tested my water, they said it was fine to drink, however, the effects of the chemicals found would eventually cause total organ shut-down. Hmmmm.