
The major difference being that Lolita’s mother is still alive with her pod, also off the coast of Washington. Keiko never reconnected with his family, only the pod that spoke his language so they are hopeful that the mother will recognize the child and assist in her learning.

There is an orca sea pen already built off of the coast of Washington State, funded by charity and built specifically for Lolita in Miami. However, it is large enough to hold several whales at a time, they have designed a program to “train” the whales to feed in the wild and the station will be maintained at all times

Get rid of your kitchen sponge. Weird as hell, but it worked for us here in Florida. Apparently the use the sponge to reproduce or something. Anyway I replaced all the kitchen sponges and a couple of days later they were gone. I am assuming that I will replace them about once a month.

My second guess is actually Sharon Sala. I never read any of the Diana Palmer books. However, there is one called Chance McCall and the girl's name is Jenny.

My boy would not eat meat until he was about 4 - no biggie. At about 4 and a half he became a carnivore - and hasn't stopped. The pediatrician (an M.D. for 20 years who now practices natural medicine) advised that it is best to offer kids a wide range of "clean" foods as they will eat what their body needs. Potatoes

You may want to Google #HeForShe -

I just like that she made the duck face for her mugshot. That's class.

Okay, craziness is genetic. She looked at the local library today and couldn't find it. HOWEVER,she swears the damn thing may be in the attic. So I have volunteered to go up there tomorrow. I will hunt you down if I find it. :)

Well, thanks for the crazy. I read this one too, many years ago. I think it was Chase, and agree that it was Sandra Brown. My mother agrees and has offered to get it from the library, although she can't remember the name either.

Oh hell to the no. Chris Evans is taken.

Her mother is a black woman from Cape Verde

Your last sentence sums up the entire thing. Way to bury the lead Kardashians. Now instead of it being about an inappropriate relationship, the focus has once again returned to the Star of the Show, Kim.

Sorry, in others words there may be some residual anger at work here.

Well, I don't know. If my ex, whom I loved, and who cheated on me and left me then announced in an interview that I was so nasty he had to bathe 30 times, I may become more than a little pissy.


Sorry, that was my kid. He wasn't stalking, he was following, there is a difference.

Actually, if you look at the other "sister" it kind of makes sense. This is OJ and Nicole's daughter Sydney.

Ephebophile. The misspelling made it hard to look up. I would use my age as an excuse for not knowing this word, however, since it dates back to early Roman times.....I got nothing.

This was taken at Kanye's NYFW showing of his new collection - have you seen them? This woman was looking right at crazy.