My speed3 is happy

Damnit Patrick. Just when I thought I was gonna get some work done today, you place this giant reading list on my lap.

That is the right way to handle a situation. But after waiting for 30 minutes, whoever can do it has some serious expert level meditation/stoic self-awareness.

Every company building autonomous vehicles, from Google, to Tesla, to Mercedes Benz, uses learning algorithms. There is no other way to do it, which is why George did it this way as well.

Came here to post this, the infamous “Open Kadett Assassination” by C&D. One of the best reviews I have ever read. The 2nd paragraph alone is incredible.

Well, do you need to transport your 3 smoking hot girlfriends on a frequent basis? If yes, you made the right choice. Rest easy friend

Just go. It is called a “test drive”. You’re not gonna get laughed at if you sit in it and realize that it is too small for you because you’re “testing” it.

Boooooooo hisssssssss

You need a dashcam

Now playing

He likes the FR-S, which has the same everyman accessibility of the Miata, though

I remember reading a quote I read from a top Obama advisor that went something like this:

Wipe the floor with them in every battle but still lose the war in the long run. See Iraq, Afganistan, Afganistan (Soviet), Vietnam...

Even with “men with green faces” we still lost Vietnam.

This is the most likely outcome. But there are circumstances where some justice and punishment will be served:

That’s what i was thinking too.

Since I can’t afford to pay full price for a Caterham 7. I would gladly “share” one with some friends if that means I pay 1/4 or 1/3 price. Mmmmmm

I saw a white one on he road 2 days ago. It was gorgeous. Much want


...no one knows what the future will be like so it would be stupid not to save

You love working now, in the current conditions that exist. But remember there are a lot of factors outside of your control that can change. Your awesome boss might leave and be replaced by an asshole. The company might shut down in the next recession. Your biggest client might just decide to leave. Or you can have an