There will be an app for flaggers.
I remember driving once in where my sister in the passenger seat cracked a joke so good, I had uncontrollable laughter. I realized a few seconds later that laughing that hard, with your eyes tearing-up-semi-closed, and belly aching, while driving is pretty dangerous.
GetSwervingSolution() //Where no one is hurt
if (imminent_collision){
No all costs can be passed to the consumer. Don't forget the line that makes up a demand curve. At a certain point if the cost to produce a quality product is greater than what people are willing to pay for, than a company has 3 choices, 1) Operate at a loss by lowering the price, 2) Try to charge the cost to the…
My friend works at a Lamborghini store in Santa Monica and he says that you can tell who the super rich guys are not by the clothes they wear but the type of "girlfriend" they bring along.
There's plenty of reasons to not have those cloying stick-figure family stickers in your window: they're insipid, dorky, and kind of saccharine. But you know what they're not? Dangerous. Even though fear-mongering local news stations want you to think so.
A drive by slashing of someone on the sidewalk??
How about you ask a Iraqi father that lost his wife and daughter? Or Iraqi kid who lost his dad?
Not just no worse. Think about it. These computers have 360 degree vision and sound awareness (cameras,laser, radar) how many degrees do you have when you drive?
So if new Miata will be revealed 2015, released 2016, then Miata ownership for me will be at 2018?!!!
I like to calculate the fair value of a house by looking at how much I can rent it for. I take the monthly rent of similar houses in the neighborhood, and then calculate how much is it annually. Given that number I would be willing to buy the house if its price is not more than 12x or 13x. This is similar to how a…
Agreed. I want to see a real time version of the intersection just to see how it really is.
Some say it already burst, same time as the housing bubble here in the US. They've just been able to pull of a "soft-landing." Policy makers have learned a lot from studying economics in the last 100 years. Even the US recession wasn't as bad as the great depression because of the policy decisions taken.
But hoarding cash in piles around your house doesn't sound like fun either....
For me it depends. Fake Ralph Lauren socks for $5 for 10, sure! Fake baby formula, hell no.
Lets not forget the millions killed or enslaved on the path to glory. I doubt the people who were massacred in Carthage cared very much for roads or wine in the their final hours.
I own a 2011 Mazdaspeed3 and i can tell you that chicks LOVE the happy face. They call mine car the "smiley car"
Maybe she's protecting herself from "pics with your face or it didn't happen!"