Hopes Alive

He's just a toy.

I found Lucca to be delightful!

Sarcastic, demure smile was really not that impressive. It really turned me off. The entire episode felt so much to me like the writers came up with the Pilot formula, then wrote scenes to fit that, and for me, that made the entire episode feel unnatural. I am all the more disappointed, because this is one of my top

I believe a B- is very generous for this episode.

I like how crazy Lobos is, so I love the scenes he is in. I also liked the actor on Bloodline.

Sheriff: So he goes outside gets the duffle bag and brings it inside?

And what about allowing the daughter to roam free with access to the key to Nina's room? A simple "stay away from mommy, because she is napping," is going to prevent her from freeing Nina? Ridiculous plot hole! I had such high hopes for this show, but it has been a big disappointment.