
What kind of witchcraft do you have to do to be able to wear a white shirt all day and keep it spotless? Asking for a friend.

Yay! This justifies my lust for these characters even though they are horrible people!

Rob’s absolutely a class act.

Hey, Bishop McDevitt H.S.:

She’s going to cherish her memory of being on the show and high school will fade away for her like it does for everyone else.

Now playing

Nothing can top the Destiny’s Child Michelle fall. It’s my favorite fall all time.

OMG. I can’t listen to the audio, because I’m being stealthy at work, but thinking

Her taking the mic down - HARD - with her is why I literally can’t stop laughing right now. Sorry boss, but ... Come on.

Oh my god Jermaine you’re never going to believe this. Jermaine. Jermaine. You know Janet? Janet Jackson? The “baby”?

I’ll just be here watching this all day instead.

“Gah...ACH!” is the catchiest song of Meghan’s career! It should debut at the top of the Hot 100 next week!

1. This is actually the most I have ever related to Meghan Trainor.

the gif is good, but what made me lol is the audio. “gah.. ACH!”

Game set and match

I’d dump a pizza to date Chris Evans. And I fucking love pizza.


I am so sad about all the people who don't know who Jenny Slate is because that most likely means they've never watched Kroll Show or Parks and Rec and their lives must be so empty.