Hoover the Talking Seal

The Big Sick was a delightful movie that was thoroughly entertaining for its entire runtime, while still handling serious themes with aplomb. Either The Greatest Showman is secretly 200% better than its trailers lead me to believe, or the HFPA laid an egg here. (Also, Holly Hunter deserved a nom for Supporting

I know it’s really unpopular to point out, but there are actually valid arguments against net neutrality*. I don’t know why people assume mega-rich ISPs are totally evil, but the mega-rich websites fighting for net neutrality are 110% altruistic. (For the record, I think both are evil).

I really disliked the comic, but Morrison is one of my favorite writers and I think he deserves some Hollywood money, so I tuned in last night. I would definitely say that the show is more promising than the book. I laughed out loud three or four times during the pilot, while I found the first issue of the comic to be

I think that came out pretty early in the year, which may also partly account for its omission. I personally thought it was amazing, and the fact that it was a magazine-sized and mixed prose with sequential art were features rather than bugs for me. I’d say it was far and away the best thing I’ve read by Scott Snyder

I straight-up disliked the comic, but it had a decent high concept. I hope this show is decently successful so that some of Morrison’s strong works get a shot at (relatively) mainstream exposure. That guy deserves some Hollywood money.

On one hand, a sexual harassment storyline would give us Larry exasperatedly trying to understand why men would want to expose themselves. On the negative side, Jeff would have to go to prison.

Vince Guaraldi’s non-Peanuts work is great, too. Another good one to look for if you haven’t heard it is Los Straitjackets’ Christmas album. It has great surf-rock takes on not only traditional carols, but also a killer rendition of “Linus & Lucy.”

Great analysis. Fiffe’s art is both really snazzy looking and great at telling a story. I’m excited for Bloodstrike.

Honestly, it is easily in my top 5 of the year.

I haven’t seen a TON of movies at the theater this year, but I’m a little surprised that Logan and Dunkirk are as highly rated as they are. Both were definitely good-to-very good movies, but I honestly found that the latest Spider-Man movie stuck with me for longer than either of those pictures.

I totally get it, man. One of my proudest moments is getting a letter published in Matt Fraction’s recent Fantastic Four run, and that wasn’t even a good comic (the issue I was commenting on was pretty fun, but literally right after I wrote to the letters pages, it became quite bad).

I’m kind of impressed at how long this article is. I don’t know if I agree with it or not, but that’s way more words than I thought was possible to describe a short, mediocre theme song.

I’ve semi-boycotted Marvel for the last five years because of their insistence on a $3.99 price point while simultaneously disrupting books with gimmicks, crossovers, and relaunches, but I’ve always meant to catch up on Squirrel Girl and some others (Ultimates, Ms. Marvel, Gwenpool) in trade. This seems like a special

See, I was thinking maybe Leah Remini could pinch-hit...

It’s really unforgivable when they have Grant Morrison’s run on JLA as a perfect blockbuster movie template. Also, WB Animation is responsible for the Justice League TV show, which is probably the best superhero adaptation of anything ever. I’m sure some of the guys in the writing staff would love the chance to earn

I think that if it starred a character called “Uberman” or something generic, “Man of Steel” would be a slightly above-mediocre sci-fi movie. It’s not that good, but it’s not that incoherent, either, and it has some good performances. However, it completely whiffs on its characterization of one of pop culture’s

By all accounts, Spacey has basically been a harasser since before he was famous and allegedly right up through his final season on House of Cards. Wahlberg did evil things when he was young but appears to have really changed his life, so I think there is a difference. It bugs me that Wahlberg didn’t directly seek

ASBAR is really awful, but it’s terrible in a very creative way (I’m thinking of the infamous Green Lantern issue in particular).

Yeah, the state of Vertigo is really sad, but according to Rich Johnston there are big plans afoot for a relaunch of that line in 2018.

I haven’t liked his work in years (full disclosure: haven’t read anything since one TPB of his X-Men run from the library), but the highs of his career were quite high. I’m definitely optimistic that a shake-up will help his writing. Hopefully DC will keep him on a relatively small number of books and/or let him do