
It’s good that it’s being reported on, but I don’t get what Raphael was expecting. What, in his mind, should Ford have done? Piss off almost half the U.S.? Raphael comes off like a dumbass with this post.

The key difference being that the Dodge Charger, while brash (I disagree with the unrefined part; it’s as refined as can be expected from a “muscle sedan”), can function as an automotive conveyance. It may not be as reliable as a Camry, but it still meets the general definition of an automobile.

Don’t kid yourself. I’m no fan of Trump, nor do I think he has the answers that plague this country, but you’re a fool if you think the Cunt from Arkansas knows how to do anything other than steal, kill, and plunder like any other insider political hack.

This entire site has plummeted directly down the shitter. Hell, we all knew Gawker was complete shit, but after Denton got fucked by Hogan it’s just gotten even worse. Now this bullshit floods over to Jalopnik constantly. It’s bad enough I’m trying to check out any tech news or video game news and see the bullshit.

Really Jalopnik...

I doubt anyone with half a brain actually thought Trump meant that Ford would fire all of its workers and move to Mexico. It’s hyperbole to make a point.

Fuck off, lib.

lol, all Jalopnik needs to do now is write how “muscular” Hillary is.

Nice post Andrew!

wow... was I the only one jumping up and down in front of my tv during that last lap?! fitting for the 100th running

I fucked up. As a Cleveland fan I’ve stewed for almost a year now in the bullshit that was last years finals. Best believe I took every chance I could to trash the Warriors when they went down 3-1 to OKC. I fucked up and now the Warriors are coming to the Finals to shit inside my heart again. I fucking hate the

Because people still assume (mistakenly so) that unions are the best thing for an employee that there ever was.

tesla does NOT need to unionize. this isn’t the fucking 1930s. tech giants don’t need unions. this is a money-grab and people are too stupid to see it.

Honestly I think unionizing that plant would be a death blow to Tesla. New tech depends on flexibility and adaptability. UAW opposes both. Need your wins hold installer to fill in for the door trim installer who has a doctors appointment? Too bad. You have to hire a 2nd door trim installer just in case. The big

If they unionize Elon should close up shop and move, teach those Union fat cats a lesson.

4 cylinder, 5 speed manual, RWD Ford Ranger

Wait till you hear her music.