
You can fuck right off if you are protesting and voted for Stein or Johnson.

Say what you will, his dismantling of the Constitution will be quick and efficient. He managed to attack freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and freedom of the press all inside of 140 characters.

Look at that fucker McConnell, just grinning away at the horror he helped create. There’s not a hell hot enough for him.

He’s happy because someone gave him a strawberry.

This piece of shit is gearing up to take down the free press.

The protestors are “professionals” and tens of thousands of people only count as “small groups”? These are attempts to delegitimize his opposition, and I wonder if he will switch from scapegoating minorities to scapegoating everyone who disagrees with him.

I mean, it’s already horrifying enough that he won, but now that I’m hearing about high-level and/or cabinet positions I’m ready to throw up more.

McConnell looks absolutely giddy. I’m sure that’s nothing to worry about...

Yeah, I liked this part: “We cannot be a party which cozies up to Wall Street, which raises money from billionaires and then claim to be a party of working families. The simple truth — and Mr. Trump tapped into this — is that millions of American are working longer hours for lower wages, they’re worried to death about

Name the bills Bernie Sanders actually got passed during his time in the Senate. I believe there are two. He talks a good game and does virtually nothing for that $167,000 a year. Hillary Clinton can point to a huge list of accomplishments from the time she graduated from law school through her tenure as Secretary of

I would say all of those things, plus sexism. Do not underestimate just how much people don’t like a woman in charge, including many women.

I think it’s all of those things, to some degree.

There’s a lot of focus on the Trump voters, which I understand because wondering how the fuck people could vote for him is hard to puzzle out, but I’m curious about why the democratic base didn’t vote. Trump should not have been able to win all those swing states with fewer votes than Romney. Hillary underperformed

We live in a rural area. The median income in our town is over $100,000. To say that it’s hilarious to read the bleating today about the poooooooooooor, disenfranchised rural voters — seriously? There are many good people in our town. There is also a large segment of virulent, practicing racists and homophobes,

I’m not sure Bernie should be making pronouncements right now. The Pew data coming in shows that Trump won a majority of young white people - who went mostly for Bernie in the primaries. That means that a sizable chunk of Sanders’ supporters jumped party.

Off voting for Trump.

Fuck Bernie and all his bros.

and Presidents (allegedly)

Ironically, it’s Singer who is always looking for something young and fresh.

Singer, who directed four X-Men movies, will not be returning...