A 20-30 hour game is not worth $60, nor is the ‘souls’ style play attractive to me.
A 20-30 hour game is not worth $60, nor is the ‘souls’ style play attractive to me.
Fans might take the game more seriously if it weren’t being called Snyder-Man: Homecoming
The Chosen Yuan
Space Jam 2 needs room to breathe
shocking that someone employing an MLK quote on social media did not actually mean it
We would have also accepted Eurasian Steppe.
Look at that poor lady beneath her.
Really good college sports fans can be a fucking delight—you have to be some combination of funny, smart or original. She’s just a nuisance that’s none of those things.
He’s white, he’ll fit in just fine.
Ben Simmons almost turned him into Joel Embid.
You know, college football is so great almost everyone involved does it for free
If white people knew they could be arrested for calling the police for no reason on black people, we would start to see progress.
The Lakers are in a tough spot. They have 16 losses in games where Davis has not played, yet 20 wins when he is not sitting on their bench.
I can’t imagine getting worked up enough to ever send an author of any deadspin article an email.
We’re talking snotty Seattle urbanites here, $50 bucks says they pronounce it Tray-zon.
Democrats shouldn’t give him shit. Let him shut down the government, then they should go on Fox news and explain that Trump promised Mexico would pay for the wall. That if Trump was truly a great deal maker, and fiscally conservative, then he would find a deal that is great for the citizens of this country.
Who am I…
Man, whoever takes over in Chicago is really going to have to take the flower by the thorns.
I have the unopened copy I bought on Black Friday that I think I’m just going to return. Especially since they can’t seem to stop stepping on one rake after another, I think getting my $35 back and just waiting for it to be fixed and/free to play is a smart move. Which sucks because I really love FO4 and know that…