
Add Maxtor to you list since they're now owned by Seagate. I made the mistake of buying one a few years ago specifically to avoid Seagate. I'd always bought and had good experiences with Maxtor and hadn't realized Seagate owned them now or I wouldn't have bought it. I put it in a computer I was building and about a

Every winning strategy for taking out that bear has to start with sacrificing the fattest co-worker and attacking while he's distracted.

Haha, I always thought my immediate hatred of Pete Cambell on Mad Men was due to his character being a dick, then I realized he's the actor that played Connor and it all made sense.

Yeah, that's what I thought too, which is why I thought it was odd they said that. I remember reading Angel was getting a 6th season then out of nowhere it was cancelled with just a few episodes left to shoot and they had to scramble to rewrite them wrap it all up. Gotta give them a lot of credit, it was a fine

Was it planned from the beginning? I remember they thought they were getting another season and then with like 5 episodes left on the year it got cancelled. I thought they had to scramble to wrap it all up.

You skipped the intro didn't you?

This was the series finale in my mind. I like pretend it ended there and last season was just some fan fiction spinoff.

Merle and Daryl aren't even in the comics. Both characters were created for the show so nobody really knows what's going to happen.

Was hoping someone else caught that too. I really did laugh out loud. It was a close up of zombies mowing on guts and then instantly "brought to you by KFC".

Agreed, 90% of all my phone conversations are spent discussing the connection/quality issues of the call. Far easier to just send a text saying I'm on my way.

Skyrim on the Steam sale. Been waiting for a price drop on that bad boy for a year now. Why is this a regret? Spent more time reading forums about bug fixes, workarounds mods to fix bugs/crashes/green water, than actually playing it. Fun game when it works though.

I think the problem with following the comics there is that we need time to get attached to Tyreese. In the comic he's with us for a long time so his death is a shock and carrys significant weight. If they introduce him this season and kill him off in a few episodes as they tend to do it's just not going to have much

I'm all for the DIY approch in general, but can't you just buy IR light switches that work with most remotes anyhow?

"Has starter potential"

They said there was her hair hanging out of it's mouth, but to me it was kind of hard to make that out during the episode. I think the dead giveaway was supposed to be her missing body and the blood trail that lead to the bloated corpse. We were supposed to first think it was zombie Lori and then realize she was

It appears to be a tray of pure machismo.

This is a new classic.

Totally, in fact if this movie was a metaphor for that it could be potentially excellent. However I'm guessing it's just going to be a shallow black and white, good guys vs bad guys action flick.

Yup, was going to say the same thing. Especially relevant as Steam usually has some killer steam sales after christmas.

I don't quite understand the timing of this movie. The original during made sense in terms of patriotism at the height of the cold war. Routing against the underdog. However in this case routing for an insurgent force fighting from within their occupied country seems like we're cheering for the Taliban.