Reading the menu or finding the hours on nearly any restaurant's webpage.
Reading the menu or finding the hours on nearly any restaurant's webpage.
That would be me you're laughing at. I bought it last night for the $7 off. But it could have been worse I almost bought it on Wednesday for full price but fortunately got busy with other things. $24 for two games (three if you consider the Arma 2 Expansion) is a decent enough deal for me.
Has it dropped that low since DayZ took off though? I would think it was probably $7.50 because it was an obscure 2009 game. But now with them selling tons of copies for DayZ I'm not sure we'll see it that low for quite some time.
Wasn't there a delay though? I remember when I first shot at the moon nothing happened and I thought, "hmm must be something else I need to do" then boom portal opened up.
Yeah I'm not blaming google I'm blaming Samsung and AT&T. Samsung took forever to release their custom ICS version and now I suspect it's been caught up somewhere in AT&T's red tape for the past few months.
Yeah it's ridiculous we should just be able to upgrade like anything else. I have a Galaxy S2 skyrocket, we were promised when it launched in November we'd have ICS sometime in Q1. We're 8 days from the end of Q2 now and still nothing.
Yeah, not saying it's the best solution right now just offering real world examples of something it might come in handy for. That example may be a bit contrived, but I could see doing something like this as a work around in a pinch if I suddenly find myself in a demo and have no internet access.
I'm just about 100% with you on that. I'd say voice chat is one of the main reasons I no longer play FPS multiplayers. It's sad because I remember the first time I ever saw Teamspeak in action back in 1999 I thought it was an amazing breakthrough. Surely the future of gaming was going to be awesome once every game had…
It would be useful for me, I've long been dreaming of doing webapp development on my phone. Being able to run a webserver localhost puts that one step closer to reality.
Because this is a single player game with co-op features and not an MMO. A lot of people don't care about playing online. What if Portal 2 only let you clear the first few chambers then made you wait 3 days to play the rest?
This has to be costing them tons of money to deal with all these problems that have stemmed from the always online requirement. I hope they weigh the total cost of dealing with these issues against whatever money they projected to lose to piracy. It's gotta be close with all the developer time spent on patches,…
Simple answer, because bald men can still have money. Looks aren't everything.
You know until this article I always thought it was the RoboCop arcade game.
Well yeah, but those are people taking pictures at restaurants with actual chefs who designed plates with presentation in mind not a delivery pizza. There is just no way you're making a $0.90 cheeseburger look good without some tricks.
It made me think about McDonald's and how I haven't had a Big Mac in forever. Seems like effective marketing to me.
The do this because even though this is a behind the scenes pull back the curtain kind of thing the first thing that came to my mind was, maybe I'll get a big mac for lunch. It's a subtle form of marketing.
I just keep the database in my dropbox account and it syncs automatically. I can get to it on all my computers and my phone. You could argue that's not the most secure solution but I think the chances of someone getting a hold of my database from dropbox and cracking the password are slimmer than last pass having some…
Is that a sarlac pit I see just before the boardwalk?
You make valid points to which I totally agree with, but I don't think things are necessarily getting worse. Multiplayer gamers have always been fairly paranoid about things like aimbot and their egos make it much easier to blame losing on cheating.