
+1. These are borderline trick questions and about as useful at determining intelligence as those stupid brain teasers that were so popular in programming interviews 10 years ago. The difficulty in answer these questions isn't in the math, it's in recognizing the ambiguous wording. These question are built with the


That's 'mercians to you bub.

Me neither but I'm pretty sure they're doing it wrong.

This cycle is pretty typical with the way the tech startup world works. Especially with VC backed startups. The company usually starts with a few passionate, innovative people who aren't afraid to take risks. Then once it becomes successful it's either bought out by a bigger company or the board installs some senior

I still have my AT&T unlimited iPhone plan on my android LTE phone now. Of course Unlimited is actually limited to 5GB, but still cheaper than the actual 5GB plan so I roll with it. It's annoying as shit though, I wish the FCC or someone would smack these companies down for abusing the term "Unlimited".

From my own personal research I've concluded that the internet is directly linked to fapping.

But not people who use Opera

And that coffee mug is clearly running Windows 98.

Thanks for the link. I was going to mention that when I was on the Oasis the cruise director claimed you could stack two Titanics in it. Guess he wasn't really too far off. Seriously that ship is massive.

You don't get close ups of wardrobe and swords in live theatre.

I turned off the smooth motion on my TV for this exact reason. When things look too good you start to really see the flaws in things like wardrobe and props. It completely kills the immersion factor. I watched LOTR with it on when I first got my TV. With smooth motion off it looks like real swords and armor. Turn it

I do all my decision making in Java.

In just about every data center there is some old faded beige machine running some flavor of long dead OS running a program written in a long dead language by a long retired programmer with a sign that says "Do Not Touch Ever".

I think it would have been called The Cyberbook.

It would have been brought before congress and ultimately stamped with a Parental Advisory label.

And what pray tell did the doorman say?

I'm always optimistic that my heavy investments in Baltic Ave will save me at the last minute.

+1 to that. With the exception of Vodka, all ingredients of a bloody mary are low in calories as well as nutritious.

It won't be nearly as satisfying flipping over the electronic Monopoly board after I lose.