Hoops and Horses

Actually, I would have it where for a 1990's continuation (where Sally Draper is the main character) Meredith grew considerably, became the '70s version of Peggy and actually is a partner in the third incarnation of Sterling that I call S-DOCC (Sterling-Draper-Olson-Campbell-Chaough) and actually married Don, though

And as I would write (and noted in my own comment above), Joan would get her revenge, just not immediately:

Seeing the episode before the penultimate episode, my thoughts:

As noted, I didn't forget Joan at all, and in fact, she would be the most important cog in developing S-DOCC as (besides by 1972 being married to Roger as I would do it), she would be the one doing much of the grunt work behind the scenes in what I would have it be called "The Secret Plan for 1975," with

That would be the ultimate irony if Faye did wind up marrying Ted and Don lamenting his poor judgement in choosing Megan over Faye.

Ah yes, the classic end of The Mary Tyler Moore Show in 1977.

Actually, I didn't. Joan would be married to Roger as I would have done it by late 1972. Sterling (the S in S-DOCC) would be for BOTH Joan and Roger (as written in an earlier comment, I would write it where some event leads to Joan and Roger marrying and their acknowledging to Kevin that Roger is his real father).

And if I were at AMC, I'd be pushing Weiner if he doesn't want to do it himself to let someone else develop a continuation set at a considerably later time (as I would do with a version set in the '90s). The '90s to me would be perfect because the beginning of that decade was the last bastion of the pre-internet era

Some think it may actually be Fay (whom Don left to marry Megan in the fall of 1965).

Actually, for a lot of people, "The '60s" continued all the way to August 1974 when Nixon resigned or 1975 with the fall of Saigon.

I doubt it, given the real-life McCann-Erickson is still very much around and strong as ever.

Actually, if JJ were not available to play Sally Draper (who would be the central character) in a 1990's continuation of Mad Men I'd be looking at doing, I would want Ms. Brie to play a 35-year old Sally.

Some think Peggy will be the one that actually does that.

As I would do it, they wind up deciding in the end to work for McCann, but simultaneously work behind-the-scenes between August 1970 and August '74 and walk out as soon as their contracts expire. They would as I would do it start the third incarnation of Sterling that I would call S-DOCC because they realized in

That is possible, as I would have the son in a '90s version in some form be part of Pete and Peggy's life (even if they did not marry).

Which is always possible. Some speculation elsewhere is that it might also be Fay, whom Don left to marry Megan in 1965 (and likely turned out to be a huge mistake for him).

Actually, it was Game 5 in 1994. Games 6 & 7 of that NBA Finals were in Houston (Finals were for many years in a 2-3-2 format and the Rockets had home court).

Except I would be looking to do a '90s continuation where in January 1990 Don is 64 and still very much alive with Sally Creative Director in the third incarnation of what would be S-DOCC, or Sterling-Draper-Olson-Campbell-Chaough.

Um, come to think of it, that is quite possible, with it turning out that Trudy is a high school sweetheart of Ted's.

Nixon's funeral would be something I would definitely include in a '90s version if it got to 1994, with if it got that far also doing an one episode that ends with the Rangers ending their 54-year curse by winning the Stanley Cup and the next episode set three days after that on June 17, 1994, one of the most famous