
For some reason this is one gender-reversal gimmick that does actually make sense and could actually work if they get the right actresses. By 'right actresses' I mean Melissa McCarthy or Rebel Wilson (not both and not either if possible but, knowing the capacity for original thought of the average Hollywood executive,

And it's 'pamplemousse'.

"I can imagine it now: …."

Has there ever been a popular and successful comic book led by a female character? Even the new lesbo Batwoman got canned because while it was exciting and transgressive no-one could be bothered to read it.

What? Human psychology has many answers.

With three episodes to go, are we going to speculate on, er, the final solution?

I always dissed Mimi Rogers for always playing a version of Mimi Rogers in whatever she does but this time round she did a very good echo of Mary Steenbergen, accurate and subtle, without making it a straight impersonation.

People *don't * like him. Hollywood producers like him. Well they liked Adrian Brody too. For a while.

You're a man are you? Jesus.

Hey! Tom! Your nose! You got a brown smut on it! No, it's still there! In fact you smeared it!

So he got over his hissy fit did he?

Fat ponce.

Good luck with that. She's been dead for thirty years. But if you can't get a girlfriend that's your business.

Whereas you sound rather bland.

I can't understand the love for this odd film. It was just too random too work - I know it was a spoofy homage to the 'Doc Savage' and 'Terry & The Pirates' comic strips but as an actual film it was too disjointed and diffuse to work in the way that the 'Indiana Jones' films worked,

GRR does *not* dress like a self-respecting gay man. He dresses like a self-respecting child-molester.

I sure do like hearing George's opinions on this or that while girls in co-play outfits sit on his knee and jiggle their bubbies at him. I certainly wouldn't want him to go home and get back to the typewriter, that fat fuck.

Is that the one with the face like a cyclops horse?

I am sick of all of them. Can we please have some new characters after Luke threw that old man down a hole?

Nugent! What did he die of? He wasn't squashed by a falling anvil.