hooper humperdink

Yeah, but that wasn’t the question. The question wasn’t, “what’s with the patriarchal naming system?” in which case your answer “it’s to connect fathers to their children” would make sense. And the question DEFINITELY wasn’t “will my white husband bounce if I give my kid my Chinese name?” (in which case your “oh

Wait, whaaa? If I hadn’t given my children my last name, I could just take off? Where were you with this magical loophole 11 years ago?

This whole season has just been a glut of poorly written exposition and meet-cute/remember whens of long beloved characters. They no longer seem to have the guts to kill off any characters of real consequence, even though killing beloved main characters is one of the show’s hallmarks. It all feels like a shitty game

I have one friend who said his small business was hurt by Obamacare. I have many more friends who say they benefitted from it. I don’t know enough about the details of their financial lives or their states’ health insurance markets to evaluate their individual claims, but I’m generally inclined to believe them all.

They didn’t “find each other” when they were adults. Allen functioned as her step-father from when she was the age of 9 until he left Mia for Soon Yi when she was in her early twenties. They claim their relationship became sexual in the late 1980s, when she was in her late teens.

Especially since so much of the scene was ABOUT awkwardness. An un-smooth condom application in the scene would not have taken away from the tone or pacing in any way.

Seriously, that Page Six headline and article was shady as shit. But she does actually also play the piano.

My son shares a birthday with you (and our President) too! My oldest turned 11 today, and got a chance to meet Obama in 2013. My second had the blessing/curse to be born on Jan 20, 2009 (Obama’s first inauguration day) - ...needless to say, his 8th birthday was a lot less fun. And I mean that literally: it was more

It’s not the cilantro, it’s you.

...did it though?

She’s “allowed” to do whatever she wants, just like I’m allowed to say she hasn’t done it well. If this were a movie, any reasonable critic would say she’d been miscast. Honestly, I might be more sensitive to her process if I thought she really had anything at all to do with it. This isn’t the fruition of some

I think a lot depends on the kid. My oldest had cavities filled with no problem - it wasn’t FUN, but he was deferential enough to the authority of the dentist to just deal with it. I have fully caught my middle son LYING about brushing his teeth (like who takes the time to run the water in the bathroom and doesn’t

It’s hard to believe her as a distraught housewife; she still comes off as the babysitter. I know she’s a grown, adult woman, but.. no honey. I’m sure there’s a a huge market for bratty, sexy teen; don’t know why she can’t stay in her lane.

My (then) 4 year old daughter needed multiple cavities filled and after 3 failed attempts where she was just way too freaked out, we eventually decided to do general anesthesia rather than traumatize her. The cavities were pretty bad (I swear we brush twice daily and limit sugar, but the girl has bad luck with her

Friends of mine lost their healthy six year old due to complications from general anesthesia during a dental procedure a couple of years ago. This dentist may have been an outlier in the egregious nature of her offense, but the pediatric dental industry is woefully under-regulated, and poor patients who cannot afford

This is the only GoT recap worth reading.

I once had a woman (who was probably mentally disturbed, but whatev) go OFF on my then-fiancee for being with me because I was young and “undeveloped” and he was gross and way too old and obviously taking advantage of me. I was 25 and he was 27.

I used to get irritated when everyone thought I was so much younger than I was - like the author, I’m petite and it happened to me from a young age. I too rolled my eyes when people told me to “enjoy it while it lasts,” as if I was supposed to enjoy being condescended to. Now I’m 37 and when I do get carded, it

Bend it Like Beckham.

I’m pretty sure this is someone arguing that grandparents (including grandparents-in-law) count as part of the immediate family circle, as evidenced by the standard practices of wedding photography. Which isn’t really how I sort my relationships, but to each their own.