In a Mini; let them mock me as My Mini Countryman is higher than you

USA3000. Now defunct. When I was five, My family was going to NJ for winter break. On top of staying in a small airport that has NOTHING to do(for a five year old boy, it's worse than after school daycare) except for my mom to keep me entertained and 3 books. The Flight was supposed to get in at 8:30PM, it got in at

Suda 51 is the Tim Burton of gaming.

Ok, I'm sure this will be an unpopular opinion here, but I'll say it anyway. I kind of agree that there is little use in teaching kids about masturbation. Sex can lead to pregnancy or STDs, but masturbating leads to neither. Somehow, for the past, oh, I don't know, forever, kids have been able to figure out the whole

Completely unrelated but I'm about to post this like mad everywhere I can cause Jezebel readers are smart!!! My friends rapist has moved back to town. he doesn't know she is still alive much less living in the same town, another friend sent her a link to a post he put up on Craigslist soliciting a "slave" to his

I wasn't talking about the term you were using, just wondering if you have a specific girl in mind or if you just like Latina women in general. I mean, you can like women of color, but just don't fetishize them. You see what I'm saying?

Female Hispanic. Sorry.

We, in the Mass Effect 3 commune are more kind to the femme gamers.(JUST DON'T PLAY THE ASARI!!!!)

You are awesome for crossing the race border emotional thingy. I'm white in Florida and I want to date a sexy Latina;) Problem is , my Grandma's is a "Bill O'Reily/Rush Limbaugh" Conservative(which 90% of the time =racist)

Because you want to make the Veyron your bitch(Alpha AMS 1230 GTR).

Soldier: Oh Shit! It's Count Dracula!

There's a reason why Skipper the Penguin is banned from Denmark.

If I want to play it easy, it would be either the Geth Trooper+Acolyte (melt everything with the flamer after removing the shields) or the Drell Adept, Reave+Cluster Granade everything and most of the time end up in first place. Or maybe the Krogan Vanguard+Reegar, to piss people off. :)

I had a lot of builds I enjoyed using, bunch of different playstyles that kept things fresh and interesting.

I was that way too, I couldn't stand to make friends. They kept me from reading(seriously, I was the "weirdo" who picked the 580 page prehistoric life book, to this day I know EVERY species in that book from the Permian onwards). I am Borderline Asbergers and I only think in the future, I can't be bothered with making

An evil ear-to-ear grin, with a name that only hints at its intentions...

The Lamborghini Aventador's LED lights makes me believe that the car actually knows something sinister that I don't. o.o

Any Audi.

Let's start a thread about "Your favorite Me3 Multiplayer Builds(the ones you feel connected too)"

My Turian Sentinel named Cowboy Cummins. I go for a "Shock and Awe" tactics, I use Overload, then Warp. If that doesn't kill the enemy I use my AT-12 Raider with Damage Barrel IV and Smart Choke V to blow their heads off. My backup is an Acolyte with Ultralight Materials 1 and Damage Barrel III

Here is mine~!