ohmyfuckinggod that .gif I am damn near suffocating at my desk trying not to laugh out loud.
ohmyfuckinggod that .gif I am damn near suffocating at my desk trying not to laugh out loud.
YES. Even after attending multiple family functions with the same people, he would still revert to the "I just met all forty of you at this birthday party for the first time," petrified look on his face, minimal talking, one-word answers in the name of "I'm too shyyyyy tho.." Ugh. Good. Riddance.
Have we dated the same guy? Because I broke up with a guy over shit like this months ago. It was incredibly irritating and embarrassing- like dating someone with a completely split personality.
Apparently Lambo drivers are into some kinky shit.
Twinsies. I also heard it for the first time the other day on The Highway when my BF and I were on a mini-road trip. When it came on, he was like, "you'll like this song..." and I pretty much cackled, fist-pumped, and lol'd for the whole song.
Replying to bump. I'm not siding one way or another on "what actually happened," but the visibility issues with the wing and seat head-rest are incredibly valid points that are worth people knowing about and understanding before armchair-ing it up.
Terri Clark, Miranda Lambert... especially Miranda (Kerosene, Gunpowder and Lead, anyone?)
Good god, I'll contribute to a crowdfund for this.
I love you so fucking much for this gif.
So, 000 = Kindergarten-sized.
I'm using this.
Right? I kept thinking, "they're happier and have more pep all of a sudden? What did they put in that patch..."
All I read was 20 lines of pure whining, I don't know what y'all are going on about..
Godblessit, this is the best thing I've read all week. Thank you for sharing.
Women go on twice as many diets in their lifetime than they have sexual partners
The university's lawyer responded with a slippery slope argument that if the government can require universities to allow their students to access contraception, then who knows what else it might make religions do. Pay taxes on that big fucking golden dome that sits on top of the main building like a middle finger to J…
God bless your heart. Seriously.