
Yes. Yield. If you know you’re beaten, which he was, you don’t continue to drive further into the line to force the error. You just don’t. I don’t give a damn who you are or where you are, when you’ve been passed you back out of it and the line becomes the guy’s that passed you.

Nah, that's not the case. Karam was racing hard, and Carpenter could have yielded at any point when he knew he'd been bested. He didn't, and he held the corner far too long, riding it to the high line. Karan made some pretty gutsy moves that any driver would have made in the right car and right situation. I don't

Sad day, indeed. Met him several times. One of the nicest guys to wear the hat. Genuinely a good person.

I literally could not buy a 15 two months ago. To get a Lariat Supercrew with the package and options I wanted it was going to be 60 days. I didn’t really want the ‘15, but it made financial sense to do so because it was going to be less expensive in the long run. I ended up buying a ‘14 that was left on the lot

Dude is lucky as all hell that the girl on the bike controlled herself. He should have left it alone when he realized that she was going to kick his ass. But no, what's he do? Goes back at the boyfriend; who then controls himself in an epic manor and doesn't issue a total and complete beat down on what appears to be a

So, we’re sitting here, my bride and I; on the couch just hanging out while the two goober see call kids make a bunch of noise. I play this video and everyone goes silent and piles in to watch and listen. She says it’s the most beautiful sound she’s ever heard from a mechanical thing. It’s a living breathing thing...

The pay, in general is shit. There aren't going to be many 18 year old kids that are going to work their asses off (or in this case put 100 pounds on sitting on their asses) for the shoddy pay.

Sorry, but I would still drive an ugly as hell aluminum body over the interior of that. Thankfully,bin not in need of replacing my truck, I wouldn’t buy a ford or GM right now. Take the ford interior and the GM styling bits and it’s the perfect rig.

Sweet baby Jesus what is wrong with all of you naysayers? This is a thing of beauty nearly fifteen years deep and full of the unfulfilled promises of glory and milk and honey. It’s the green grass from two fences over, not just one!

New definition of pucker factor Zulu, indeed.

One of the most logical uses for an amphibious 130 would be forestry/firefighting.

The hell you say? It looks like a combination of redneck ingenuity and alcohol fueled creativity with a little bit of death wish thrown in for good measure.

One of the most beautiful planes in our stable. Incredibly capable, as well. There are quite a few fighter units changing, or schedule to change to the 15 from the 16 over the next four years. Minot is supposed to be getting a full load of the SA and upgrading Cs. It will be very interesting to see the redistribution

You don’t get what I’m saying at all, not a bit. I’m not accusing anyone of not being a patriot, or not loving America for what it is and what it stands for.

My thoughts: I’m not a fan of the Confederacy, nor a fan of “Southern Pride” as a movement. Nor am I a fan of flying the Confesederate flag and using it as a shield, stating it stands for history and heritage, when many people cling to the flag only as a symbolism of their racism and stance.

That’s scary as hell. Another bend round and he would have been falling 150’ or so.

Amazing piece of work, the SCG is. I can only dream of owning one. But dammit what a dream.

Not solely, no. The changes between the two aren't solely cosmetic, either.

I'm not sure which device that was from. It could have been iPhone, iPad, or Kindle. I think it was iPad, though.

Limits, man, limits.