
My high deductible plan is so bad, I’m considering switching to the marketplace next enrollment. A gainfully employed person with employer-sponsored health care shouldn’t have to do this theoretically, but here we are. The benefits of private healthcare are nonexistent.

I totally understood your post. You were hypothesizing the motives for aid.

To live with bipolar disorder seems incredibly challenging, and one of the many reasons I respect BritBrit so much. I wish her the best in her road to wellness.

It’s worth noting that they didn’t even bother to put her name on the cover. Further evidence that she was never a supermodel—they actually get their names published on covers.

Reading this literally made me itchy.

Apparently there is (limited) new material:

That was my initial thought. He intimidated his victims by threatening their livelihoods, who’s to say the intimidation would stop there?

Kind of wondering if these neighbors bother talking to each other and ask if the dogs are okay instead of just calling 311. I don’t know anyone who has a happy, healthy dog that barks for more than 3 minutes, let alone 15.

Wheeler nevertheless claimed that right now the EPA is more focused on the issue of clean drinking water, which he said is “a crisis that I think we can solve.”

That Daily Kos article had me so shook! Holy shit!

The name of his album.... is.... Cheese and Crackers...

This comment is a treasure.

Thank you! I have this video bookmarked on my phone in case she comes up in conversation. I think this theory could be highly plausible.

Puerto Rico’s food stamps program, which serves a staggering 1.3 million Americans

Hm, I go to PP for checkups and that’s the info they relayed to me. I will be sure to ask them about it next time.

Regardless, I don’t think him testing positive would be ironclad proof that he was the one that transmitted it to the girl, unfortunately.

CARLSON: Look, just to make it absolutely clear. I am not defending underage marriage at all. I just don’t think it’s the same thing exactly as pulling a child from a bus stop and sexually assaulting that child.

Further to above commenter’s point, Herpes can be undetectable if there are no symptoms/outbreaks. It is an STI that is tricky to test for.

Yeah, the acronym in itself is somewhat misleading, as there is nothing radical about transphobia.

 I can see the Calvin Klein Collection dissolving, but the RTW you see at department stores (think wear-to-work suiting, dresses, slacks, etc) will probably remain. It’s a highly lucrative business.