
What does she think the “T” stands for?

Completely agree. Every paragraph left my mouth more and more agape. Even the headline made me think “oh... here we go”. Who approved this to be published?

Thank you, internet!

My thoughts exactly

This is the correct take.

Exactly! Any wino knows this. That is why I truly thought the initial tweet was satire...

the ICONN app... what comes to mind is “I con.” As in “con artist.” Poor unfortunate soul.

I kinda agree -- I don’t understand the snark here. There are some minor things I would change, but I think this brownstone is gorgeously decorated.

That’s Rupert Murdoch’s ex-wife, Wendi Deng. Their friendship further explains the Trump’s coziness with Fox News, for sure. But I hadn’t heard about her being romantically tied to Putin?

I simply want Black and White Americans treated equally under the criminal justice system.

Sometimes people have sex because they don’t feel good enough. Because they lack self-worth. Women do that, and guys do that.

What’s up with all these heritage Italian fashion houses doing the absolute MOST? Prada, D&G, Etro, Gucci... oy vey.

Joshua was invited because other kids at school bullied him for having the same last name as the president.

The clip ended with Spicer attempting, twice, to make a joke about Bolling’s Elvis-impersonator suit. “I didn’t know Target had good clothes like that,” he said. Bolling moved on. A few seconds later, Spicer went for the same joke again, louder, shouting, “That’s good! TARGET!” at Bolling, who muttered “Armani”

I’ve read several articles recently about this very subject, including on The Root. Might be good just to take a peek at the discourse below:

These comments are fucking vile.

Take your stars!!

From that same Twitter thread:

In fact, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough once said that Kellyanne Conway’s arguments are so dumb it makes his teeth hurt.

It’s a relatively new service, but hopefully they will accept it next year!