Hookadoo Monkeyfudge

Uh, yeah. Ok.

Masshole? CT != MA

Notably, that’s WEEI and Price is a colored fella.

Have a fucking star. Have a motherfucking star.

A pox on you for pull quoting the open sewer that is WEEI.

Massward. My life is complete

It’s all well and good by these crashes have the knock on effect of neutralizing time gaps. This keeps FroomeBot(tm) close on a tour designed to drop him and to not allow him to play automaton. As bad as Armstrong was, the Team Sky era has caused a compete devolution in cycling to just numbers. “Increase cadence to

HGTV is headquartered in Knoxville. It’s employee base, almost exclusively from without East Tennessee, already suffer from PTSD, huddled around a couple of brewpubs with the most expensive airport in America as the only avenue of escape. Given that, nothing says bring him close to UT and pay him millions like this

On 91 today, two squids on crotch rockets came by us at a minimum of 110 mph. 2 seconds later a Connecticut State Trooper came by in an Explorer and gathered them up at the Parkway/691 interchange by wallingford. Wife: “wow. Those explorers are that fast?” Me: “well, we know now.” Who knew?

Hot damn. That’s a take

One word: Australia

It’s not about the Celtics. It’s about Boston. It’s not about taxes in massachusetts. It’s about Boston.

It is irrelevant. He’s has a shitload of draft picks.

Money on Richie Porte is smart money, but if they can’t keep Sagan under wraps, he could win this sucker. FroomeBot(tm) can’t handle Sagan if Sagan wins more than 9 stages, which could happen.

I am proud to say that all three of my alma maters are on his zeroes list. And save a couple of noteworthy schools, his heroes list contains mostly adult day care centers..

One word: Boston.

My sister-in-law has one. CP. you have to have a lot of fuck you money to justify the maintenance. A lot.

Welcome to being a cycling fan.


I’m, that’s a star