Hookadoo Monkeyfudge

Then I go to the specialist. If it is urgent, you are seen first. Just like in the US, except you don’t have to worry about the insurance saying “sorry. You didn’t ask for preapproval 7 days in advance. You’re not covered.”

Exactly. Israel’s social programs make the NHS look like a first aid station at a Nascar race

Complete myth. I live in Sherbrooke and I can be at my GP in a hour with a full blood panel taken with results on 95% of the test within an hour.


Hit bridge. Win steak. /thread

White privilege?

Hey, i am working that side of the street

If thinking means fascistic worship of violence, misogyny, disregard for family, and/or short sentences....

Hemingway was a miserable drunk who shot himself in a fit of artistic inspiration.

Newt Gingrich is what stupid people think smart people sound like.

If you ever get a chance, read his doctoral dissertation. Look, the only good dissertation is a completed dissertation. That said, it is a thigh-slapping bad example of a dissertation. It’s one thing to go out on a limb and write something interesting, but wrong. It’s another thing to write something boring, wrong,

Do you follow the Cardinals of the National League? That’s a fanbase that makes GSW fans look tame.

Let’s file this factoid under “so fucking what” and move on.

Haisley’s complaint would be 3000 words and have a single 900-word sentence with along prepositional phrase leading to 42 subordinate clauses before he gets to the verb.

That guys comment is down there in WFAN caller territory

Alex listens to you sleep

Fuck anybody who thinks that Martinez over reacted. He would have beaten Zimmer’s ass.

A slovenian skied down. Skied.

My dad told me years ago to never park in the dealer lot where they can’t see what you drove in and only talk to them when they walk out from the building. Never go in. Don’t even go in while they get the keys for the test drive. Make your offer outside. He was liquid enough to do cash deals. I saw him get $9000 off a

Liberty University is an adult day care center.