
not according to ben fulford, they’re not.

It can’t “fall” any lower.

Great scott!!

And they are still VERY wrong. The moon came from outside of our solar system, and never collided with the Earth. These scientists are making educated guesses, which is their job, but Billy Meier knows the origin of the moon, the age of the universe, the history of the solar system, and compared to his extensive first

His name is Mud.

I sell Audis. Someone traded in a Model S rwd. It was fast, but had terribly cheap interior, the font end loudly creaked over any bump, and when you stepped on the gas, the rear and squirted all over the place. I’ll take an A6, A7, A8 over a Telsa S any day that gas is under $5.00 a gallon.


Just because you don’t know how and why, doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen:

The 1969 moon landing was a hoax, and you can’t get over the fact that the U.S. gubberment lied to you and the world. It can be proven that the televised landing was faked, but you grew up believing everything you were taught.

FALSE!!!!! Apollo 11 was 100% hoaxed, provable with photographic and video anomalies, and a confession by Ernst Stuhlinger, who worked directly for Werner von Braun. Only about 40 people were in on it, which made it easier to keep the secret. Those who couldn’t “accidentally” died. Apollo 13 was ALSO a hoax, because

Good, I can finally get a double bj while driving...

Is that a cow-catcher on the front?


If one thinks that nuclear is clean, just ask the people in Iraq about depleted uranium ammunition. We (the U.S.) took nuclear waste (because we had nowhere to put it) and filled bullets with it (because it is heavier than lead), then shot up the entire country (in an illegal and still unjustified war), and now

All of this is possible if we cut our military spending in half, and cut a deal with other countries to also cut their military budgets as well (since we are by far the greatest military threat to the rest of the world).

Bring us (the U.S.) the Amarok! Jeep is killing it while ze germans sit back stupified. Also the Scirocco.

Not if it’s a diesel!

Wireless charging. I have never plugged my Galaxy S7 edge into anything, and I’ve had it almost a year. I don’t want to have to schlep around my future A3 etron or eGolf and plug it in every day or night, especially when it’s freezing out. When I can drive over top of a charging pad in my garage, then I’ll get an

This is stupid. People are getting THOUSANDS, TENS OF THOUSANDS of dollars. The cars are safe and legal to drive. Nobody died. No one is complaining about their huge settlement checks. 95% of VW and Audi diesel owners love their car and it’s MPG. Shut up and take the MONEY!